Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lady Doctor Chacking Man' Panis Vedio


WHO SUPPORT? The net decrease for

was born in July 2008 as a result of a process of more than 2 years, which have been adding many diverse wills: Decrease by initiatives such as the Understanding and Time Re-turns ; events like the conference "Melt growth and made anew the world, "by decreasing the motion and the meeting of social movements" put up the decrease, building counter "; have allowed us to get here.

Now with the Red Degrowth (perhaps provisional name), retake the path with renewed energy to build a broad and strong movement of people, groups and projects that can launch a new way of living.

network as autonomous space, which wants to maintain its independence, not asking grants or has its own legal status. Nor has a list of members or partners. What we have is a range of projects and ideas, some of which require a push to become a reality.

We know there are many people who support the movement decrease, but not everyone has the time or find the appropriate channels. With this text we want to provide a more participation and through financial support and / or cross-species and local projects.
This call is linked to the call that we are spreading so that projects that meet certain criteria may request and receive support. In supporting the call for projects also explain how these funds are awarded, by what criteria and what decisions. You can read the text:
group / organization / wiki /
(registration required to read it!) This support can be in cash or in kind. HOW TO SUPPORT ECONOMIC ?

To support in money, you make a deposit with the title "donation decline" following the current account, Triodos Bank (in this account, donations can be made only by transfer) 29 1491 0001 0010003293

Soon will be available to another account in the Fund account of Engineers, which can make donations in cash or by transfer box office or engineers BBVA. There

will have the option of deducting tax in these donations, if anyone needs it, that you contact us before doing it.

Any contribution is welcome! 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 1000 .... From each according to their ability to each according to his needs! Leaving aside

MONEY ....

For support in kind, please contact us if you can offer material that you think you might need a project related to the movement decrease (from farming tools to computer equipment, to kitchen utensils, bicycles, textiles, etc. ...). In any case, such a project might need something that perhaps but have not ordered you come, we will also send the species that need the projects presented to the call. Another option would offer (from electronic training classes or workshops in shiatsu recognition of plants). What seems
priority the maintenance of this network and out progressively from the tyranny of the euro, are these donations / payments in kind. So, your time or your products can be used to free some time for people who work for the network, as individuals or groups that receive financial support from the network will have the option of charging them a part of species.

as support "in kind"?

In exchange section of the new website called "The Market Square" will have the option of giving to the network species:

net / market

To do this, you must go to the link above and click the option "offer or ask" what comes out menu (Warning! to do so you must be registered on the website) . Once inside, you must fill out a short form with a description of what you are offering, and make the choice that comes at the end of all red "SECTION FOR THE NETWORK degrowth. Your donation will be visible to different groups of the network, which may request it if your project is approved in the assembly which will provide support for projects (before this call). To do so, may get in touch with the person who has offered through its contact email (options will be more visible as you finish shaping the web). CONTACT:
To contact us or ask any information please write to

Health & thanks!
Committee Organization Department of the Treasury

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Us Average Salary For Ccie

That hacemos with the capitalism? If my garden

El Pais,

one way or another, the 120,000 activists from around the world at the World Social Forum (WSF) held in the Brazilian city of Belém is on the left. Of all the left: ancient and modern. Some left without horizons which brings together old Leninist new environmentalists, anarchists with black flags, progressive priests and even associations of prostitutes. Many left with one question: what to do with capitalism? And a novelty: for the first time, none of those left burned American flags, as in previous editions of this meeting, designed as an alternative to the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland). Which now takes place in Belém, than in previous years seemed to be dying victim of neoliberal euphoria of a world richer than ever before, has risen to power thanks to the global financial crisis, which has changed the distribution of the deck.

However, although the question about the future of capitalism is the common denominator of discussions and conferences of the forum, there is no consensus about of how or what to replace it. discussions in two trends: on the one hand, of those who want to replace capitalimo other economic system, without specifying which. Some, such as the Landless Movement (MST), call for a return to socialism. But what socialism? It is more difficult to define, although several experts as the French sociologist Ignacio Ramonet, the FSM requested to undertake common battles with governments to break with capitalism, such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.

"socially responsible market"

The second trend, more moderate, is defended by one of the creators of the forum, Oded Grajew, who proposed as an alternative to the system that has broken the it calls "socially responsible capitalism." Instead of the free market, calls a "socially responsible market with a more participatory democracy." Not reject the existence of private enterprises, but always points out, "that are socially controlled."

Besides the question of what to do with capitalism, another question sounds hard Belém Forum: Where were the governments of the world those billions of dollars now are removed from the sleeve to save the financial system and of lacking when it came to investing in education or health?

If since its first edition in 2001, the social forum was presented as a counterpoint to the Davos, this year's antagonism could not be more clear and precise.

The Workers' Party (PT), which governs in Brazil and the forum is accused of having given up his roots left, has mobilized 3,000 militants to prepare a climate conducive to the arrival of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who this year has chosen to attend the meeting instead of at Belém in Davos. According to some of his advisers, it seems that President arremeterá hard against capitalism and against those who caused the financial crisis.

has not yet been confirmed Lula's participation in the debate scheduled between the landless and the presidents of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Paraguay, Fernando Lugo. The MST, apparently, has not invited to Lula, con quien MAINTAINS numerous differentials.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kidde Smoke Alarm Beeps Every 30 Secs

Reguant FRANCISCO (Economist) NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard

, ie, not in my backyard) . If you want to build a prison in town, organized a platform because that is not built in this town, no question that there must have prisons, it is simply placed in any other place. The same happens with a focus on drug addicts, a road, a train, a power line, a landfill, a wastewater treatment plant. Consistently exercised the right of action against non-essential to the development and future of the territory it seeks to defend.

Someone wanted to see in these movements a sign of maturity of a society that is able to defend their rights. Conversely, I am inclined to think that this phenomenon responds to other causes that have as common denominator the distancing of the citizens of the public, which may be a source of social irresponsibility and should seriously worry about. In turn, as collateral damage, it denatures the movements are based on the legitimate aspirations a better distribution of burdens or discomforts to territorial actions or proposals that raise critical choices clear improvement on the projects in question, improvements that may affect the environment, landscape, etc.. before, for example, each neighbor clearing his sidewalk because it was considered their duty to clean the sidewalk today costejats municipal services through taxes paid by citizens. It is an obvious progress, but the road may have lost sight of the process, its costs and limitations, and become visible only at the right service. We are having a real country rights and duties to unreal that there are only rights. And without a balancing of costs and responsibilities, rights have neither roof nor measure. The predictable result

against the proliferation of movements is the NIMBY stalemate. A no to everything. But it can not be a luxury that is no longer within our reach. Today the land is flat and is also smaller. And in a more open and more tight, take advantage of resources and reduce the impact of shortages can mean survival. Catalonia is not an exception can not be indifferent to international concerns. On key issues such as energy, water and food, have clear weaknesses, for scarcity and external dependence that we have. The 2008 report of the International Energy Agency raises a disturbing scenario, a future of higher prices, and concludes: "Time is running and the time to act is now." In food, the FAO has launched the challenge of doubling global production on the horizon of 2050. Even former U.S. President Bill Clinton recently declared the need to return to a policy of maximum agricultural self-sufficiency. It seems a reasonable target to optimize the potential of energy self-sufficiency and improve the level of a strategic asset such as food, something only can be done with water.

Given these objectives are fully reject any reactions that transform the environment. They just declared illegal a few windmills (the few we have) for a lawsuit filed by an environmental organization. The irrigation systems are put in question because they impact on the steppe birds, when Spain is the country with more wilderness in Europe, after Russia. No doubt should be avoided unsustainable impacts, but not the way to go with a view back. This is an error that hinders the dialogue on the scope and objective basis for solutions. We arrived late to consider that, without more, is not modify the natural environment in which we live. The history of mankind is the history of the transformation of the environment to suit the needs of man. Currently available technology and awareness to manage natural resources sustainably. This is the path.

NOT A contradiction in thinking that sustainable progress will require artificial measures, aimed specifically at ensuring the natural balance of a planet so conditioned by human action. One living area, with proper management, is the best guarantee for its preservation. Contrary thinking is not sustainable that we can not do anything. Unless you intend to reduce of radical or the planet's population drastically sacrificing the quality of life. If this is not meant the denial in its purest form becomes unconscious or mere hypocrisy.

The economic crisis creates problems, but can also be the opportunity for political power from the tick expressly set forth rigorous discourse of austerity, the sense of objectivity and lack of power, opening step progress by way of the realities imperfect but better than the previous criteria of balance, with costs and benefits. A cultural change needed on which to establish a public commitment to the future.

El Periódico de Catalunya, 27/01/2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Porcelain Chivaz Bottle Date

The Coup Crisis NGOs

CERRILLO ANTONIO - Barcelona The crisis hits foundations and other organizations dedicated to protecting nature. Conservation groups lose members, some have received notice that not receive assistance from companies or banks, and other economic provide that cuts materialize the second quarter. The Caixa Catalunya's Social Work next year will reduce by 50% over budget for this purpose, which affect NGOs.

"A company should work with us Isofoton, and told us not to give us this help, "says Jordi Miralles, head of the Terra Foundation, dedicated to promoting efficient use of energy. It is an example of reducing aid to these institutions face.

"We are seeing an increase in non-payment of membership fees. In the same way that when there is crisis stop paying the mortgage or buying fewer cars, we see an increase in the return of the receipts, "said Juan Carlos del Olmo, secretary general of the WWF / Adena." When problems occur economic, the first cuts are for the field of environment, because people seem dispensable. We are who most suffer. Instead, the loyalty of solidarity NGO members with photos of the sponsored child, "he added.

Juantxo A similar view López Uralde, executive director of Greenpeace." Last quarter we had difficulty making new partners and increase low. "Greenpeace grew 3% in 2008, but hoped to win 5% of members (has 103,000 members). Meanwhile, shares Depana frozen, but invited members to make voluntary contributions, says its director Manel Cunill .

In this context, WWF / Adena, SEO / BirdLife and Friends of the Earth have called on the Government to increase aid revenue from personal income tax (box other purposes.) "In 2008, NGOs were given for first time this kind of help, but it was a very small, miserable, and must be expanded," says Juan Carlos del Olmo, secretary general of WWF. Del Olmo estimates that revenues are key to a time when "the defense of the environment is vital and necessary than neck, powerful NGOs as needed."

Entities and WWF are prepared to overcome a crisis, they have a wide range of fientes of income that allows them to gain freedom (finalists aid companies and savings banks, international foundations, global network WWF, government, 50 major corporate partners, partners and donors). No clutch, the Achilles heel of the partners are fluctuating.

NGOs will see reduced aid d ela Obra Social Caixa Catalunya, which has developed a policy of purchasing land for conservation and support for conservation projects and environmental education through
Territory and Landscape Foundation. The budget for this area will be reduced from 7.2 million euros in 2008 to 3.3 million in 2009. Conservation projects and environmental education of 400,000 euros are trimmed in half. "The budget of the Social Work Caixa de Catalunya, as with any case, depends on the benefits, and in a year when there are certain difficulties is normal to lower the budget for Social Work. Has made an effort to balance the budget, and from
Territory and Landscape
try to maintain than programs and projects to continue the work of conservation and environmental education that we have set ourselves, "says Jordi Sartagal responsible for what now called Territory and Landscape area. The cut is viewed with concern by social sectors that value the real action (recovery of species and habitats) of Territory and Landscape, away from typical marketing makeup green. Por eso, piden mantenga ese spirit and that it is not desvirtúe SENSE moved to its original creation. LA VANGUARDIA 24/01/2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What Does A Purple Spot On Skin

the energy dependence

Another example of energy dependence: From Russia move the little finger and between Bosnia and Serbia 200,000 people remain without heating. And all because the great artery of its natural gas supply has stopped for unclear reasons and interesaos unknown ... (of course in the hands of four companies that have their hands on welfare and perhaps even the survival of these people and engaged in playing blame to each other to avoid the responsibilities and keep the profits)
Exacatament ... how? And with what right? Or with what threats? (House specialty)

I'm not saying we should let it all collapse and Eastern Europe since s'espabilaran if they die of cold, but we both know that the only creative as ever do is hold us what we already have at gunpoint if necessary, as hysterical and started screaming when we need instead to ask why and seek alternatives. Or maybe it was not foreseeable that by putting all four hands in energy supply could go something like this?

few days ago I read a very short book that I found very childish and written without much grace or technical background but the message is interesting. "Whoever has been Llevado my cheese?" That raises the fear of change and solutions to address it. All but apparently very Obie and proves, people need to be told, and after missing the conduct ...
As the author states that have multiple readings, instead of taking the business or self-help (the two proposed, arising from the individual) I'd rather take the social and communal.
In theory, the history of mankind shows our adaptive capacity, top, looking as we think ourselves the bar in any other species. Why tremble before any possible change gifts? You do not want to evolve? So we are perfect?