Sunday, August 29, 2010

Electricity Usage Of George Foreman Grill

Why transparency? CF No. 171

No. 171 Author: Maria Cristina Chaler. Series
Juguemos to why?

Why light passes through certain media and not others?

media behave different from the light, some is allowed to pass with absolute ease and objects look through them without distortion (transparent), others just let it happen, and forms can be seen confusing (translucent) and others are opposed to its passage and no objects are displayed through them (opaque).
This optical property of matter compared to visible light is directly related to the intimate structure of matter whose molecules occupy places in space, shapes and properties are determined by their component atoms and distances between them are generated by vibrations with some energy to allow or disallow the passage of visible light. Sometimes, certain materials, allow partial passage of light and total no because they absorb some energy and pass to others (polarizers), we also found substances that are opaque to nearly all the energy and others only are a few.

Comprendámoslo a little better
To better understand the passage of light through a medium we will deepen the concept of light.
White light from the sun consists of a cluster of different energies, each vibrating at different frequencies (number of waves in a second), these are energy ratings from the highest frequency or the ultraviolet to the lower frequency or infrared.
Below ultraviolet electromagnetic waves are even more energy as X rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays above are the less energetic infrared and microwave, the waves radio and television.
Within this broad spectrum is a small range of frequencies are those corresponding to the seven colors of the rainbow with a wavelength ranging from 380 nm (nanometers) (millionth of a millimeter) to loa 780 nm. This is the only part of the light spectrum that is visible to the naked eye by its color and is commonly defined with transparency or not the materials.
lower frequency energies are those with the least amount of wavelengths per second and the wave gets longer (longer wavelength) and are much weaker and less penetrating matter, while higher frequency waves are more short and are much more energetic and penetrating.
The matter can be opaque to some frequencies and transparent to others and this depends on the type of power to allow or not to pass through, but as we saw this property depends not only on its composition but also be related to the type of light . To be precise
matter is transparent or opaque "relatively" to the energy that traverse an opaque body in a certain light is transparent to X rays, gamma or cosmic. The more energy electromagnetic waves are more transparent the bodies to them. This property provides multiple medical diagnoses and the body Man is opaque to visible light but transparent to the various frequencies of X-rays, so you can "easily look inside" and to diagnose certain diseases.

conclusion we can infer that the transparency, translucency or opacity are related to the subject and the type of light that passes through.
everything is relative, NOTHING IS ABSOLUTE

2 Red 2 Black And Green Wires

Why metals shine? CF No. 170

No. 170 Author: Maria Cristina Chaler. Series
Juguemos to why?

Why metals shine? ... And then some.

To answer this question is well to remember a note of Science Easy on the tour of the periodic table.

metals themselves are the Group IA (alkali) and IIA (alkaline) of the periodic table, but in everyday life metal properties to assign all that glitters, it conducts electricity and heat and can work on by-wire (ductile) or plate (malleable). Their atoms are characterized by electrons in the top level with high tendency to move to other items in need (not metal) so that these negative electric charges can be lost thus remaining fairly easily with electrical properties similar to those gases which precede them in the periodic table, stability models of nature.
Most elements react chemically joining each other, with the goal "almost smart" to be in the same power of these noble elements.
When speaking in chemistry from the metal union say:
. "Positive nuclei immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200belectrons" This is the metaphorical description of the model gives cash Science! Hence, this sea-mail has the ability to move through the core and does not belong any of them. BY HIGH MOBILITY ELECTRONICS ESA is that
metals are substances that easily lead
v electricity, heat

v v possess a characteristic brightness are
v v are malleable ductile

Such physical properties are related with the atomic structure, as the positive nuclei occupy fixed locations in space, respecting a rigid geometry (lattice) but the electrons move freely around them, without belonging to any in particular that is how the mobile tag gives the substance great power electric driving, do not forget that electricity is electrons in movimiento.Su brightness also has to do with the mobility of charges as the incidence of light increases the motion of surface electrons as they reflect from all angles to be heat conduction observe.La also make these small electrical particles carrying the heat energy from one point to another metal.La metal structure is stabilized by the attraction of the nucleus with its sea-mail, but as in the sea there is no electron in preference to a particular nucleus, this gives malleability and ductility substance so they are easy to mold and are able to produce sheets or wire used by man permanently in all industrias.Con regarding its structure can not talk about molecules and the positive nuclei (cations) bind all to integrate a huge single aggregate (macromolecule) supported by the electron cloud that structure neutraliza.La crystalline metal is what gives it greater or lesser hardness and also making changes to their physical characteristics such as melting point (passage from solid to liquid) and boiling (liquid to gas passage.)
continue scientific curiosity satiated

Transfer Pension Fund To Australia From Ireland

Why the seasons? CF No. 169


No. 169 Author: Maria Cristina Chaler. Series
Juguemos to why? Why
seasons are different in each hemisphere?

In the northern hemisphere or Boreal stations oppose the South or Southern hemispheres.
is in the North v Spring (March 21) when the South begins in the fall. V In the North
shows the summer (June 21) when the southern winter begins. V In the North
begins winter (December 21) and the South begins to summer. V In the North
is autumn (21 September) and in the south is spring.

stations do not appear in the same manner and with the same intensity in each hemisphere of Earth, the Northern Hemisphere winter is much colder than the southern hemisphere and the reverse happens with the heat of summer. There are areas of the planet, between the tropics where only two seasons the wet and dry and do not talk about summer, winter, autumn or spring.
The Earth's axis tilt is one of the most important causes of seasonal variations in the four key moments of the 365 days that takes the translation of the earth around the sun.

The seasons are four, spring, summer, autumn and winter for many locations of both hemispheres and occur in different months and are manifested in different ways depending on the latitude as it depends on the inclination of Earth's axis (23.5 degrees) with respect to translational and perpendicular to the sun.

There are four important moments or points on the elliptical translation of the earth around the sun that influence differently in the northern hemisphere or Boreal and South or Southern hemisphere, two of these moments are called solstices or points farthest from the earth to the sun and two points are called equinoxes or points of land closest to the sun.
The solstices occur in the months of June and December and stations manifested are opposite in each hemisphere does not depend on the position of the distance to the sun, but the tilt of Earth's axis relative to the sun. Let

solstice in June, the planet is tilted to the North Pole toward the sun and the south pole so it will be opposite in the Northern Hemisphere summer with longer days and shorter nights. The closer we get to the North Pole will be shorter and the nights in the same night there will be a pole. In the South or Southern hemisphere will present the winter and Ecuador away from the night will be longer to become eternal night in the southern pole itself.
In the December solstice the planet is at the other end of the elliptical, but with the north pole furthest from the star while the south will be closer and the summer will be manifested in the south and winter in the north will be presented, giving the opposite conditions to move away of Ecuador.
In March and September equinoxes, the Earth is closest to the sun and the sun's rays strike perpendicular to the tropics but the tilt of Earth's axis away and not about any of the poles in particular, are two times when the duration of night and day are alike, and the stations do not have such extreme temperatures will be in autumn or spring.

In Ecuador and between the tropics the four seasons but do not manifest themselves distinguish a dry season of low rainfall and high temperatures and a wet heavy rain (tropical rain).

continue wondering why?

Stayed Awake For 30 Hours. Why Cant I Sleep

Why the wind blows? CF No. 167

No. 167 Author: Maria Cristina Chaler. Series
Juguemos to why?
Why the wind blows?

the wind can be defined as the moving air in the atmosphere that surrounding inspires poets and muses and their presence often benefits nature and other harm to humans.

There are two major causes which this movement occurs globally, ie across the globe.

v Differences in temperature between the poles and generating Ecuador density differences in the atmosphere and thus pressure variations and therefore air movement. Cold air is denser and decreases (thermal anticyclone) is closer to the surface while, the warm less dense and rises (cyclone heat) causing air movement in the atmosphere. In Ecuador, the rise of air produces leaving room for the cold air from the poles while Ecuador is hot air toward the poles, cold air from the poles is directed Ecuador. It thus generates a circulation from Ecuador and from pole to pole Ecuador maintaining the balance of absorbed solar energy.

v earth's rotation creates the Coriolis effect on the matter of the planet, as the air is matter affected. Air circulation from Ecuador to pole does not occur in a linear but deviates slightly to the east in the northern hemisphere and westward in the southern hemisphere this deviation motivated by the effect of rotation of the earth. There
other causes that influence the wind blows locally but always with the same physical principle.

For example proximity to the sea during the day makes the air above the water is colder (more dense) than they are on the ground (less dense) so that the land will rise and will result in entering the sea air cooler and denser, creating a sea breeze. When night
movement will be reversed because the land cools and the air stays warm on the sea so that the winds will blow in the opposite direction.

The general rule is that which provides that the Warm air rises and leaves the cooler and place next to circulate on the surface from the coldest to the warmest, while high in the air circulation is opposite.

differences in areas highlighted during the day for the higher areas are giving way to warmer air penetration to the lower areas the wind blows during the day from the valley to the top, reversing the movement of wind over night because the top is cooled and the valley is warmer.

When temperatures in both areas s even then there is a period of calm with no wind, no movement sensitive.
wind speed depends on the temperature differences of quality and cold areas, the more differences there are, the more movement and therefore greater speed.
cyclonic and anticyclonic winds

Cyclones are low pressure areas, the opposite happens to the cyclone where the pressure is high.
In the world there are cyclones and anticyclones located permanently in the air makes are never calm for hurricane zone will lead to the entry of air from surrounding areas cyclones. There

cyclonic and anticyclonic areas which vary with the seasons of the year generating seasonal winds change direction according to the annual weather station.

Different types of air movement (wind) are not always the same and have the same energy and go from nice to be dangerous.
can be classified by intensity

Breeze v v v Temporary

v Storm v Typhoon Hurricane

According lasts as long as the movement is called:
v gusts, wind increases in short time. V
squalls, winds with average times.
classified according to their direction depending on where the movement is taking into account the wind rose. A

scale called Beaufort Scale to estimate wind speed
Graduated from:
Force 0 (zero) (calm) (2 km / h) to Force 12 (fourteen) (hurricane) ( 120 km / h) through intermediate values \u200b\u200bas

Air slight (2 to 6 km / h)
Light Breeze (7 to 11 km / h)
Gentle Breeze (12 to 19 km / h) moderate breeze
lower speed (20 to 29 km / h) moderate breeze
faster (30 to 39 km / h)
strong breeze (40 to 50 km / h)
Gale moderate (51 to 61 Km . / h)
Gale half (72 a74 km / h)
Strong Gale (75 to 87 km / h)
Strong gale (88 to 101 Km / h)
Storm (101 to 120 km / h)

Playing to why we are every day a little wiser

Games Bladeds Seriyl No.

Why tarnish the windows in winter? CF No. 167

Author: Maria Cristina Chaler. Series
Juguemos to why? Why
glasses fog up in winter?

In winter the glass in contact with the outside are cooled so that the water vapor is inside the room to make contact with them will condense, will change from gas to liquid, tarnished by the water droplets that form. If the glass temperature was below zero degrees Celsius (0 º C) will form frost, ie a thin layer of ice.
It's the same with a bottle that is removed from the refrigerator that make contact with the air of the room works as a coolant and is covered with drops of water, fogging, if instead of removing it from the refrigerator the retirásemos the frieze is a temperature below zero degrees, the bottle is escarcharía.

And having answered that why it is worth recalling some useful concepts .
The air around us is composed of a gaseous solution v
Nitrogen (N2) in a
v 78.03% Oxygen (O2) v
20.99% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0.03% v
Inert Gases (Argon, Neon, Helium, Krypton, Xenon)
v 0.941686% Hydrogen (H2) 0.01% v
Methane (CH4) v
0.0002% of nitrogen oxide (N2O)
v 0.00005% Water (H2O) particles Ozone (O3) in amounts that vary depending on weather conditions.
The amount of water contained in the atmosphere from evaporation seas, rivers, oceans and the issuance of biomes (evapotranspiration). This water is called the moisture and the percentage varies according to the local climate will of course directly related to the geographical point on the planet.
When the moisture content expressed as the amount of vapor in grams per volume in cubic meters (m3) of air at a given pressure and temperature, we mean the absolute humidity (Ha).
We are accustomed to hearing the phrase relative humidity (RH) when we announce the weather, this is a value given by the ratio of absolute humidity at a certain pressure and temperature and the maximum amount of vapor (humidity saturation) to admit that mass of air under such conditions of pressure and temperature. It is usually expressed as a percentage so that it multiplies that ratio by 100. This measure gives us a fairly finished moisture content in the air that surrounds us but is variable as it depends on the current temperature.
The instrument used to measure the relative humidity is called a hygrometer.

The poetic dew The dew point is the temperature at which condensation occurs water vapor, ie the passage of vapor to liquid. There is a fixed value as it depends on the relative humidity and temperature of the place.
The dew droplets can be seen on the surface of the leaves, flowers, in the fine strings of a web. It's a weather phenomenon that mobilizes poets beauty it creates.
Cundo the outside temperature is below 0 º C that dew will solidify and turn into frost, perhaps more beautiful and more inspiring

Tips For Pregnancy In Urdu

Why soil sustains us? CF No. 166



Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.

Series Juguemos to why? Why
soil sustains us?
As we know each individual animal or object that is on our planet is made up of atoms, which in turn combine to form molecules, this in living bodies, constitute the generate tissues and cells becomes more complex systems that are coordinated each other to maintain life.
The atomic nucleus is the only part of matter that has significant mass and the set of all cores will be the total mass of the body subjected to the gravity of the place is transformed by weight.
remember that:
P = m. g
Weight is the product the mass of a body by the gravity of the place where the body is.
While the dough is a constant throughout the universe weight will vary depending on the point of the universe where the object is massive, as it depends on the severity.
When a person, animal or object is resting on the floor, the weight force exerted from the center of gravity down the floor with the solid structure is able to sustain necessary because in turn responds as a solid body line with Newton's third law or principle of action and reaction, generating a force equal and opposite to the weight Normal call holding and not allowing the body to sink.
In this case the principle of action and reaction occurs in each of the points of the object with the floor, table, receive normal responses in each of its legs, a person standing, in each of his feet. Normal call
force will be generated always there supporting the object on a solid floor.
When a body is supported on another solid than the floor in the area of \u200b\u200bsupport is generated by a reaction that causes the body on which it stands hold, that force is called contact force.
When the place of support is not necessary strong body structure will sink to find the normal reaction that is able to sustain it, such as in those that were invented inflatable structures for children to play in them taking advantage of the low resistance of the place. "Why
bodies float?
The liquid state, does not hold objects that are not light enough or offered a large contact surface to generate a thrust capable of sustaining.
Thrust is equal to the weight of liquid displaced when the body is submerged so that the larger the area that we offer to the liquid, the greater the amount of liquid displaced and the greater the driving force that sustains the body floating.
The boats are designed so that the part is immersed in water allows a large displacement and thus generate thrust to compensate for their weight and are let float.
The more dense the liquid, the greater the push to offer and easier it will float in salt water so you float better in fresh water. Small
revealing secrets that we will gradually