Sunday, October 31, 2010

Side Effect Of Sugar Free Gold

Why say that the sun is life? CF No. 179

SCIENCE EASY ; ; No. 179
Chaler Author Maria Cristina.
Series Juguemos to why?
Why do we say that the sun is life?
The sun is life sentence we have heard repeatedly and may never wonder why? If it is actually true or just a social stereotype phrase emerged only pleasure that brings us exposure to its warm rays.
Remember Easy Science footnote No. 49 where he spoke of the need of vitamin D
This vitamin is involved
v In absorption of phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca + +) in the intestine so that favors the growth of both bones and teeth.
v The immune system protection.
v in the regulation of calcium levels (Ca + +) that is essential for central nervous system and muscles working properly. Avoiding cramps and seizures.
Sunlight is the major source of this vitamin because it transforms a substance found under the skin (7 dehydrocholesterol) in pro-vitamin D3 and cholesterol ergo pro-vitamin D2 for both then through another chemical process are transformed into vitamin D.
sunlight promote the synthesis of this vitamin is so necessary for our life.
But it is important to note that no we should abuse it as permanent and prolonged exposure can damage the genome of the skin and cause cancer (melanoma).
care of the skin from the sun is essential to preserve our health

This why? still needs an answer
remembering another note No. 158 Easy Science where we talked about the balance of our atmosphere gaseous general composition is given by
Nitrogen --- 78.03 --- % Oxygen
-------- 20, 99% carbon dioxide
----- 0, 03%
and other rare gases with water vapor

0.94% -----
is necessary that the atmospheric gases are kept in balance for good preservation of life, disruption of these percentages significantly detrimental to the biome.
Oxygen is an important gas for the biome of the planet. The animal kingdom is used in the process of respiration. Breathe in, absorbing oxygen carried by blood each cell of a living organism, so that becomes effective combustion of food and generate the energy needed to hold everything that involves life, from the maintenance of metabolism (chains of chemical reactions of the living organism) to all actions that a living being done throughout his life.
The plant kingdom expel oxygen during the day and absorb carbon dioxide offsets process and balances the respiration of the animal kingdom. That atmospheric oxygen is released by plants in the f otosíntesis, where one of its stages indispensably required the presence of sunlight to generate as product of the decomposition of the plant absorbs water through their roots, this gas. At a later stage called dark period because it requires the presence of light the plant fixed carbon dioxide as a nutrient (glucose) and produces several substances that serve more to live.
If the sun were not present , this process would not, as the kingdom plant transforms light energy into chemical energy to promote their own life, but the result is the benefit of the animal kingdom. Without the sun the plant kingdom in the world disappear, so would the animals that depend on it and the subtle balance of atmospheric gases descompensaría, creating chaos in the global biome.
The sun is the developer of plant life, which in turn is the lung of nature.

entire planet lives and maintains a delicate balance that must be respected by the man, ambition and ignorance led to alter what had been achieved over millions of years of evolution and therefore suffer the consequences now. Climate change, loss of biodiversity, water pollution, soil and air are the result of carelessness on the planet.
need to know to respect and ensure respect the conditions that make the world a place fit for the present life and future generations.

The Wild Thornberrys - Wildlife Rescue Online

Why oil and water do not mix? CF No. 178

SCIENCE EASY ; ; ; No. 178
AutoTAS: Maria Cristina Chaler.
Series Juguemos to why?
Why oil and water do not mix?
matter that forms visible or invisible all around us, yet our body is made up of atoms that are mainly electricity, ie, positive charges or protons, concentrated in a small nucleus and the neutralizing electrons revolving around it. These atoms are joined together through their electrical properties, forming molecules of different shapes and sizes that make up all matter in the world.
matter at the macro level, is presented with different properties and the millions of millions of molecules that interact with each other allying up to a greater or lesser degree and generating different states.
water as the oil are liquid at room temperature and the remarkable thing is that when you add oil to water or vice versa, it will be floating on the surface and not mixed. Form a system of two immiscible liquid phases.
To find the answer to why? we must know the intimate nature of substances and especially water and oil.
atoms are joined together to form molecules and these turn out to be a cluster of positive nuclei surrounded by electrons that stabilize. The molecules adopt in three dimensional space in different ways and usually take the geometry of which gives them greater stability. Respecting the symmetry and the electrons are placed in positions of maximum repulsion, forming an electrical conglomerate which usually has two different characteristics
  • symmetric electrically charged: nonpolar molecule .
  • With electric charges asymmetric: polar molecule
power densities different areas give them fewer electrons or positive and other areas densely electrons or negative charged .
When the molecules are polar become small permanent magnets attract each other from opposite poles and facilitates the formation of the liquid.
Let's see what happens with
water ...
water (H2O) is a polar molecule, the negative area is on the oxygen atom that is a great attractor of electrons and hydrogen are densely positive. When millions of molecules are coupled, oxygen will be attached to hydrogen and vice versa, despite their movements, maintain that attraction, it facilitates the formation of a liquid at room temperature. Les
drew attention to the chemicals being such a small molecule possessed a very high boiling point (100 º C) and wondered why? starting the investigation. The response turned out that in addition to the attraction between the molecular dipoles in the water, the hydrogen atom strengthens the bond between the molecules forming a kind of bridge called "hydrogen bond" that gives stability the liquid state and makes it necessary to give more energy to reach the boiling point, ie passage of the entire mass aqueous vapor state.
oil molecules ...
are polar but not much larger than water, the polarity is not conducive to the state gas, but the size of molecules and the large number of electrons that have around, does that occur and generate transient dipole attractions between molecules, so the oil is present in a liquid with molecules of very fluid motion and less attraction to each other compared to water, so a mass oil like the water will occupy more volume and density as answerable to the law d = mass / volume oil is less dense than water . So floats on it.
oil molecules are of different nature to those of water, so they tend not to penetrate the aqueous phase because they are attracted to the same and tend to stay attracted to each other, in their own field, forming an interface defined and visible separation in the presence of water, chemical and physical properties of the water mass does not allow the diffusion of oil molecules within it.
oil and water are substances that naturally repel each other. A Oil molecules are classified as hydrophobic, which means you have a phobia of water, so they are not able to spread it spontaneously.
If we force the situation with emulsifying agents can generate a suspension of oil in water stabilized for a while, as is the case of facial creams and lotions, but eventually tend to separate.
The fact that oil and water do not mix is \u200b\u200ba stable property of living matter, our body or body of any living being, is a conglomerate of water and fat ( oils in solid form) in where chemical reactions of life, if these substances are solubilizarían each other life would cease to be.
is another wonder built by nature to allow the existence of living beings.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The History Of The Barasoain Church

Sunrise, which is quite light

From the town of Punta Umbria, Huelva, you could see a beautiful sunrise with the marsh through thousands of birds waking up from a quiet night. But that was in the last century. Times forgotten in the hand of man still was not working with the domain of the landscape. Now the horizon is artificial trees planted thankfully devoid of branches, instead of purifying the environment, the flood of harmful particles to humans alive. It is known as "Chemical Pole Huelva, where cancer is rampant in search of victims without discrimination.

Note the undulating cloud of pollution that the wind blows, in this case offshore, sometimes on the adjacent municipalities.

Everyone knows it, but nothing happens ...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Japanese Way To Congratulate Mariage

Building a timid ray of sunshine who dared to sneak into a cloudy dawn portended rain, I was able to capture these pictures of flamingos feeding in the lagoon of the Dehesa de Abajo in Seville.

were so close that they could hear the splash of the peak by filtering the water in search of invertebrates that they feed.

I stay with that particular sound and light inudaba far.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Source Book Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Pampering Soles

backlit sunflowers.

Pictured above give the feeling of actually radiate light ...

Helianthus annuus

Its seeds provide food for a large number of seed-eating birds such as the house sparrow (Passer domesticus ) who did not want to miss the chance to appear on the image to be Internet famous, but I think this photo is not gonna be a famous ...

Friday, October 15, 2010

How Obvious Is A Tongue Piercing

Back on earth, far away Sex at home

The Rock of Gibraltar seen from the Peak The Well in the Natural Park of the Acorns. Lines

ridges separated me from him and trying to make a dark cloud shadow.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Para Abaixar

Press Release Chaler_ Maria Cristina Journal

I want to share this note with my readers.
To enlarge double click on it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Arethere Any Beyblade In Australia

Clarín_ Argentina Buenos Aires_ Why light the lamps? CF No. 177


Author: Maria Cristina Chaler
.. Let's Play Series to why?
"Why light the lamps? ;

Consider the common lamp, those clear glass. We approach the look and ... Within it we see a glass support having one wire which in turn submits to a very finite, called filament winding.


When we press the button (switch) to turn, our work allow electricity (millions and millions of moving electrons) pass through the incandescent filament and make it a effect on electricity is called: Joule, so it emits light illuminates its surroundings. This is an example of transformation of electric energy in light, but if you touch the glass it is possible that we burn, because part of the energy is transformed into heat. Before they invented this little marvel, the lighting was done with lamps gas. Who was its inventor? The invention is credited to Thomas Alva Edison was born in the United States in 1847, he has a child that was not valued by their teachers because they said it was unwise. The issue is that it was a great inventor and in 1879 created the light bulb in 1880 and patented it in 1882 installed the first electric light in New York. When we say that a bulb is burned we often speak properly since the incandescent filament therefore be some time after it melts and breaks, ie ending the life of the bulb. To increase manufacturing have become increasingly resistant filaments. The most widely accepted is quite resistant tungsten and lead electricity with ease and he can make very fine filaments. But the incandescent lamp despite efforts to yield more and more, too much energy as heat, therefore it is not very rendidora and little by little leaving the market and is replaced by other lamps that consume less power and generate similar light, as calls for low power consumption. CFL (compact fluorescent lamp). Are small tubes inside painted with a substance that the passage of electricity becomes fluorescent light emits less energy and lose less heat. These lamps have longer life and consume less producing energy as light. In these times of global energy crisis are extremely useful. continue to think like scientists in power

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cook Between Boobs Piture

may have to change in a few days the title of this post due to spam that may occur. I will check in the coming days.

Well, what we are.
appeared in one of the windows of my house without thinking twice and began to mate. I just wanted to make a single picture to not disturb or break the intimacy that they had searched and could only do from this point of view.

anyone can with this image silhouettes almost tell what kind of insects can belong? I hope not to be the cause of some future apocalyptic plague in my house ...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mysure Mallige Blue Film Vidio

A few days strolling through an enchanted forest-r Natural Park of the Acorns in Cadiz, I came across this amazing animal. I found him distracted watching the clouds and with great caution that I discovered I could make this photograph. I played the type as a single sound, the snap of a twig, unexpected flight of a bird, the scent of chorizo \u200b\u200bsandwich from my backpack, they could have distracted from his ensimismación and having made up underwear charcoal. Luckily it did not happen and I could continue my journey in search of more mythological beings through these woods.

I am told that there is a very friendly group of elves there, perhaps I mean they know how to find a unicorn.
My search continues ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mariner 4hp Outboard How Fast Can It Go?

Almost Mythological beings bicolor

White Wagtail (Motacilla alba )

an old slide is scanned. Although originally taken with color film, the environment in muddy shore of the lagoon of El Rebollar (Joarilla de las Matas, León) and the tone of the plumage of the White Wagtail (Motacilla alba ) illuminated by the dim light that had that morning, the observer may look like the image that is an insignificant "somewhat peculiar" Black and White, but nothing else far from reality.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Baxi Boiler Flame Error

Why the moon is shown with different forms? CF No. 176


Author: Mary Cristina Chaler.

Juguemos to why?
Why the moon is shown with different forms?
Great inspiring poets and romantics the moon was a mystery and source of legends.

"Companion of the planet forever?
There are several theories about this, some associated with the moon and the earth a common origin, others explain that it was actually drawn at some point on the earth or that it is an evolution of the planet and the most accepted to date is formed after an enormous impact on the earth by another celestial body.
is classified as a natural satellite that is orbiting the planet in the translation came around the central star (sun). It is one of the larger satellites of the solar system and even see it shine, do not have their own light, only see the reflection of light from the sun and as the rotation (spin on its axis) is in sync with your translation always see the same face. This appeared to be casual and repeated in several of the satellites of our solar system.
We will all see the different ways in which the moon appears in the sky. These shapes are called phases and depend on the position that the moon relative to the sun and the earth.

As the earth revolves around the sun and the moon makes around the earth, the positions adopted against sunlight may be as follows
T (ground) ---- L (moon) --- - S (sol) from the land where we see the dark side and the bright faces the sun, this is the so-called invisible new moon phase. That it is invisible to our eyes.
When away from that position with clockwise rotation is placed
T ------ S began to see the new moon rising in our
southern hemisphere appears as a wide small letter C fine, that letter is slowly growing into position

T ------- S L
where she became a semicircle or crescent when it is 90 degrees with respect to the line joining the sun to the earth continues to rotate until

L ------ T ------- S the full moon or full moon where we see his face fully illuminated.
In its clockwise rotation to acquire the following position:
T ------- S L
begins to appear as a letter D with decreasing phase that is illuminated in the last quarter showing as a semi-circle D-shape when positioned at 90 degrees but the opposite side of the waning crescent and continues to re-position the new moon invisible.
This tour lasts approximately 28 days so that in one year tends to make 13 trips moles. In the northern hemisphere as C is waning while the D is growing. This small satellite
physical laws exert attractive forces on earth like the sun, so that fluids (sea and air) will be brought to her causing the tides and variations in atmospheric pressure between 990 Hp ( hecto pascals) and 1040 Hp be the normal pressure of 1013 Hp. When the tide is low pressure and vice versa.
A Hp causes a change in barometric tide 1cm. Generating high tide or high tide or low tide.
In our country, the Naval Hydrographic Service belonging to the Ministry of Planning of the Ministry of Defence, published daily predictions with the times and heights of high and low waters of the ports of Argentina and the daily predictions of tidal currents. The calculations are performed by the Computer Center of the department of oceanography.
Wondering why? we go a little along the path of scientific knowledge.

Woman Tied To A Table

Why does the rainbow? CF Cf


Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.

Let's Play Series to why?

Why does the rainbow?

This beautiful rainbow that is inspiring stories, poems and legends have a physical reason to exist. Science in their ongoing quest that explanation explains and breaks no poetry but strengthens, then discover the wonders of nature increases our wonder and deepens our humility. Scientist discover what nature itself built long before the discovery

Referring to sunlight, we speak of white light, because it is composed of a cluster of different energies, some visible our eyes and others are not. In it, an area of \u200b\u200bseven continuous color that is called the visible spectrum.
These are the colors of the rainbow, inspiring colors for art and poetry.
Each has different energy, ie, vibrates differently and that their frequencies (f) (number of waves per second) and hence its wavelength (λ) (distance between peaks or valleys waves) change.
Recalling that a nanometer (nm) equals 1mm/1000000 (1milimetro divided into 1 million parts) or 1m/1000000000 (1 meter divided by 1000 million shares) the colors of our visible spectrum has the following wavelengths : Red
  • (620nm_750 nm)
  • Orange (590nm_620nm)
  • Yellow (570nm 570nm_)
  • Blue ( 450nm_495nm)
  • Indigo (380nm_400nm)
  • Violeta (400nm_450nm)
Recall that a longer wavelength less often and consequently lower energy.

The colors mentioned, crossing the transparent media with different speeds and out of them do it at different angles, separating from each other and forming the visible spectrum, commonly called rainbow when the phenomenon occurs in the atmosphere.
The rainbow is not always present, if we remember when the sun appears in the presence of water and do not see it anywhere, the sun must be behind or over our heads and water droplets dispersed in front with enough wealth, So enjoy his presence when it rains and sunny, facing the falls or in front of a lawn sprinkler. Water droplets suspended in air are the medium that makes the colors of white light scattering suffer needed and separated. The light incident on the drops, a part of it is reflected in a mirror and part of the cross or dispersing the colors are refracted and forming a beautiful rainbow. The arch shape is because our eyes only perceive the colors that come from the base of a circular cone at angles that are between 42 º (red) and 40 º (blue) whose vertex comes from our eyes, the greater is the rainbow more distant is the basis of this cone, and positioning in that we are different we see rainbows, ie each individual sees or not your own rainbow.
The colors have an order in the arc which is related to the frequency of each of them that makes the diversion more or less angle, red is the outside (42 degrees) and blue inside (40 °) and among the rest.
Each arc of the same, color will be formed by all the drops are in the correct position and proper distance to allow us to see.
If you were to occur within each droplet multiple internal reflections so that the light generated by other outlets, you might get to see another rainbow (rainbow secondary) whose colors would be inverted with respect to the first and would be a little weaker.

and uncover the mystery of the rainbow, now when we see observe the order of their colors and look for the secondary rainbow.