Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Wild Thornberrys - Wildlife Rescue Online

Why oil and water do not mix? CF No. 178

SCIENCE EASY ; ; ; No. 178
AutoTAS: Maria Cristina Chaler.
Series Juguemos to why?
Why oil and water do not mix?
matter that forms visible or invisible all around us, yet our body is made up of atoms that are mainly electricity, ie, positive charges or protons, concentrated in a small nucleus and the neutralizing electrons revolving around it. These atoms are joined together through their electrical properties, forming molecules of different shapes and sizes that make up all matter in the world.
matter at the macro level, is presented with different properties and the millions of millions of molecules that interact with each other allying up to a greater or lesser degree and generating different states.
water as the oil are liquid at room temperature and the remarkable thing is that when you add oil to water or vice versa, it will be floating on the surface and not mixed. Form a system of two immiscible liquid phases.
To find the answer to why? we must know the intimate nature of substances and especially water and oil.
atoms are joined together to form molecules and these turn out to be a cluster of positive nuclei surrounded by electrons that stabilize. The molecules adopt in three dimensional space in different ways and usually take the geometry of which gives them greater stability. Respecting the symmetry and the electrons are placed in positions of maximum repulsion, forming an electrical conglomerate which usually has two different characteristics
  • symmetric electrically charged: nonpolar molecule .
  • With electric charges asymmetric: polar molecule
power densities different areas give them fewer electrons or positive and other areas densely electrons or negative charged .
When the molecules are polar become small permanent magnets attract each other from opposite poles and facilitates the formation of the liquid.
Let's see what happens with
water ...
water (H2O) is a polar molecule, the negative area is on the oxygen atom that is a great attractor of electrons and hydrogen are densely positive. When millions of molecules are coupled, oxygen will be attached to hydrogen and vice versa, despite their movements, maintain that attraction, it facilitates the formation of a liquid at room temperature. Les
drew attention to the chemicals being such a small molecule possessed a very high boiling point (100 º C) and wondered why? starting the investigation. The response turned out that in addition to the attraction between the molecular dipoles in the water, the hydrogen atom strengthens the bond between the molecules forming a kind of bridge called "hydrogen bond" that gives stability the liquid state and makes it necessary to give more energy to reach the boiling point, ie passage of the entire mass aqueous vapor state.
oil molecules ...
are polar but not much larger than water, the polarity is not conducive to the state gas, but the size of molecules and the large number of electrons that have around, does that occur and generate transient dipole attractions between molecules, so the oil is present in a liquid with molecules of very fluid motion and less attraction to each other compared to water, so a mass oil like the water will occupy more volume and density as answerable to the law d = mass / volume oil is less dense than water . So floats on it.
oil molecules are of different nature to those of water, so they tend not to penetrate the aqueous phase because they are attracted to the same and tend to stay attracted to each other, in their own field, forming an interface defined and visible separation in the presence of water, chemical and physical properties of the water mass does not allow the diffusion of oil molecules within it.
oil and water are substances that naturally repel each other. A Oil molecules are classified as hydrophobic, which means you have a phobia of water, so they are not able to spread it spontaneously.
If we force the situation with emulsifying agents can generate a suspension of oil in water stabilized for a while, as is the case of facial creams and lotions, but eventually tend to separate.
The fact that oil and water do not mix is \u200b\u200ba stable property of living matter, our body or body of any living being, is a conglomerate of water and fat ( oils in solid form) in where chemical reactions of life, if these substances are solubilizarían each other life would cease to be.
is another wonder built by nature to allow the existence of living beings.


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