Dignity and Development
Subero Ayy ... the media has fallen as the conga with statement by the President of the Supreme Court, on "men and women tattoos, piercings and other fashions "Rare" ... acculturation, imitation of foreign customs and identity wear the traditional values \u200b\u200bof RD "
The relaxation is not little, like they did when Balaguer inaugurated everything and there was a man who walked with a handkerchief in his mouth and said " the dentist made me a bridge and not what I want to inaugurate " ... now is "I'm with her mouth covered so that Subero not see the piercing that I have in the language" .... and others say that then the police should go in shorts and officials in a guayabera, hat and haversack because the costumes suggest using transculturation and imitation "of other countries ...
... champion Bulls in four days of vacation, almost like Holy Week people were pending the outcome of the winter baseball championship. And this year there was no rivalry between the Aguilas, Licey fans of these teams were divided between the Bulls and Stars, so there was also "bembitos" and mock funerals of the losers and of course beer baths and fans lying on the playing field in jubilation. This is the second team crown of La Romana, so there were all celebrating. As to the President sent his congratulations and now a "fever" to the Caribbean series will be in Puerto Rico ...
Dominican-Vegan in Barcelona Bloopers! ... so other native talent is participating in the famous English program, which brought fame to David Bisbal, Chenoa y Rosa of Spain ... MORONTA JUAN DELGADO is among one of the favorites of the competition and as we follow every minute he won the American Idol Martha Heredia, Dominicans hope that we synchronize and vote for this young talent that puts our name on high ... And remember that it is not the same as the magnesia and gymnastics Idol is Idol ... I recommend going to the following link and become a fan of MORONTA DELGADO JUAN, just have to create the account, it is easy: http://juandelgado . otlive.es /
LOTOMAN film, comedy Dominican completely, is wiping out at the box office and those who have left have been pleased to see Raymond Pozo Miguel Cespedes doing of yours ... but yours pirates have made the videos, which forged the tape before it was shown in cinemas and as the director Archie Lee knows the market, the same law grabbed by the hair and appeared in Duarte, Nick and places where they sell DVDs and razed thousands of counterfeit copies and sold in every corner of the city ... It is not easy, you fajarte makes the film find the funds and will expect to see a movie and some live to 'steal ...
always by your side
Banco Popular Hosts Concert in honor of the Virgen de la Altagracia
.- The Bishop of Higuey Higuey Banco Popular Dominicano and last night presented its traditional Altagracia Concert at the Basilica of Our Lady of Altagracia, which reached its thirteenth edition. El Maestro Jose Antonio Molina led the implementation of the program performed by the National Symphony Orchestra, having been featured as soprano soloist Paola Gonzalez.
Maestro José Antonio Molina leads the National Symphony Orchestra. Partial view of those attending the concert in the Basilica de la Altagracia
The audience, composed of civil, military and ecclesiastical, as well as customers and related financial institution in the region east of the country could enjoy a varied musical program with eight themes of world famous authors. The concert, which was introduced into the present by Father Evaristo Areche, Rector of the Basilica of Higuey, began with the Overture to "La forza del destino, opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi, based on the drama of the English poet Angel Saavedra , Duke of Rivas, entitled "Don Alvaro or the Force of Sino."
or with Continu three Italian arias of Giacomo Puccini, the first, "O mio babbino Caro", an aria from the opera Gianni Schicchi, "If my chiamano Mimi" from La Boheme and the third, "Quando men vo" La Boheme also, Aryan that was exploited by the soloist to demonstrate their skills not only melodic but also the histrionic.
Nicolas Vargas, Manuel Jimenez, Melba Segura de Grullon, Karina Aristy and José José Alcántara Alcántara Almánzar.El Almanzar, director of the Culture Department of the Central Bank presented the book "votive, Promises and Miracles of Our Lady of Altagracia."
were then played works by Austrian composer Wolfgang A. Mozart, Verdi Traviata, "Romeo and Juliet" by Tchaikovsky and close, the orchestra performed the famous piece "Bolero" by the French author Joseph Ravel. The work has toured the world and reveals a stranglehold of the sonic characteristics of the various instruments of the orchestra
Vigil in honor of the Virgen de la Altagracia, sponsored by the People was the thirteenth installment of this annual event and is part of the program of concerts celebrating the Diocese of Higuey in honor of the spiritual mother of the Dominican people.
The welcoming remarks were given by Bishop Gregorio Nicanor Pena, the current Bishop of the diocese who acknowledged the work done by the People's Bank in supporting arts and culture within their social responsibility programs.
José Alcantara Almanzar, Melba Segura de Grullon, Alexander E. E. Grullon, Jose Rafael Lantigua and Bishop Gregorio Nicanor Peña.Yordalis Mercedes, Maria Villavicenos, Delilah Landry, Martha Feliu.
Under the cocktail is traditionally offered to guests before the concert, Mr. Alejandro E. E. Grullon as the governor of the Monitoring Committee for the renovation and maintenance of the Basilica thanked the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic the donation of the second edition of the book votive, Promises and Miracles of the Virgin of Altagracia , the authorship of the deceased Archbishop Hugo E. Polanco Brito, whose sale to raise funds to advance the final papers of the Museum of the province of La Altagracia.
For his part, Mr. Jose Alcantara Almanzar, Director of Cultural Department of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, when formally present the work said he was pleased to be able to talk , a special element of the publications program of authors and topics made by the Dominican Central Bank, noting that this second edition, delivered the country from the Museo de la Altagracia, collects testimonies of faith and worship the Virgin in a relentless demonstration of faith that characterizes our people.
The best available technology
Ceramics - Bathrooms - Taps,
journalist is considered Arvarito Arvelo by many as "the Dominican human encyclopedia "And many people call the radio show where he works to make historical questions of all the natures that responds quickly, is that individuals with long memories have always been admired.
For example, the revered Chinese scholars capable of retaining a large number of ideographs, the Greek philosopher Metrodorus became famous for his ability to repeat exactly what he had heard once and Ciro king of Persia, instilled fear was able to call by name each of the soldiers in his army.
Campayo Ramón Martínez is a hypnotist and English self-taught rote that although it has never participated in a world championship memory Mind Sports is considered the "learned faster than history," has an IQ of 194 points. Your reading speed is higher than the 2500 PAL / min, more than 10 times that of a college student.
Kim Peek, the person who inspired the story of 'Rain Man' suffered Savant syndrome, a pathological condition that is characterized by a set of physical, mental or motor also comes with certain skills specific to gifted and retained 98% of everything I read, heard or saw on television. The average person remembers about 45%. is estimated Peek had memorized at least 9,000 books .
However sometimes excessive memory have a downside. AJ an American woman has the power to evoke vividly details any time in the last 29 years of its existence. Suffice it to say a date and she will tell exactly what he did, the most prominent public events and what day the week was. The problem is that your mind never stops and its clinical has been dubbed the "supermemories Syndrome."
First Anniversary (Group Touched) by light.
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The best available technology
January 24, 2011
Scarlette De Leon Duran
Rhina Amaro
Wednesday, January 26
Alejandrina Salcedo Frieda Matos and Ariosto Montesano
Thursday, January 27
Sánchez Pamela -
Cesar R. Portes
Báez Méndez Rolfito - Vilorio Emilio Alvarez - Jose Alberto Tavarez son
Friday, January 28
years Met JOHNSON WILLIAM SANCHEZ cousin and for that reason his wife Zayre BRUGAL MORALES, offered a pleasant meeting with family and friends, who came to congratulate and share with William as joyful occasion. ; The garden area Pool tables were beautifully decorated with a cafe style, with high stools, organdy tablecloths and floral arrangements of orchids. A rich buffet was served and of course, that was sung "Happy Birthday" ... for just one example of how well they spent the night all the guests.
blow out the candles, Federico Ramos says the cake - Zayra William with his wife and his sons Joseph Alexander, Priscilla, Camilla, Joshua and William Joseph
Jochy Canaan, Gustavo Sánchez and Felipe Mejia Gomez - Sandra Silfa - Joseph Alexander, Priscilla, and Raymond Cochón Guillermo Pérez Arias
The group provides, Alberto Antonio, Jochy, Orlando Sánchez Díaz, William. Gilberto Diaz Sanchez Ludovine - After Omar Sanchez, Vanessa Sanchez Rodriguez, Zayra, William, Peter and Sonia Silfa
Emotive picture Dona Julieta Huet, Orlando, William and Ludovine - Priscilla, Atlantis Pérez Arias, Brugal and Dayanara Tapounet Arlina Pérez Arias
Another group stands Mariely Fernández, José Alejandro and Evelyn - Mary Ramos, a friend and Nancy Mejia Handal
my daughter The AMELIA MARIA SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ, who was caught with a surprise party at a restaurant in this capital. They were waiting for their friends who decorated the place with balloons and confetti, provided a rich biscuit and as youth has yet it remained until the "dawn"
Amelia off the "velota" after her sister Ariadne
Doris Miranda, Natalia Miró, and Michelle Marie Amelia Guzmán - Mary Virginia
Faxas, Amelia and Oscar
Amelia Titus and Joan - then with Marcano and Carolyn
's grandson Sandra Silfa and Carlos Espino, ARIEL YAN BARINAS, completed his two year old and their parents ARIEL AND SCARLETT held in the park as they have in the neighborhood where his grandparents. They took the clowns, inflatable games, put a tent with the cake that was prepared by Lissette SILF aunt, on the grounds of Barney, Yan favorite character, who like all children his age chased and jumped to the utmost.
Scarlett and Ariel in familiar pose with children - Ariel and her father-in
Carlos EspinoLissette and Lester Silfa Pujol - great-uncles Frank Lara, Elina Silfa and Sonia Pujol Silfa
On Monday 17 Ananda in the restaurant belonging Devanand Yoga Center in Gascue, celebrated the founding date of birth of Swami Guru Devanand Saraswati center Ji Maharaj and there were present a group of followers of the Master, who shared a rich vegetarian lunch and left a cake in memory of date. This is the picture "official" activity, which shows Agustina Montesino, Jordan Hernandez, Mariela, Xiomara Reynoso, Olvin Dominguez, Dulce Hernández, Digna Durán, Francisco Brea, Michelle Maura.
MARIA ANGELA SANCHEZ and his son HENRY LOUIS KENT, spent the New Year in Europe and the Middle East, they took a cruise that took them to places as far away as Egypt, Jerusalem, Greece, to Spain, Monaco and Italy. Here are some pictures of such unforgettable journey between mother and child.
In the Valley of the Nile, the Pyramids and Lui Angela background
With the Colosseum and the Source Fountain behind Italy
As announced in the paragraph above, the young JUAN DELGADO MORONTA, vegan birth and origin, is participating in Operation Triunfo Barcelona. Juan is just 25 years industrial Ingenieriero but now is a singer, because in his words "in music I found myself" Well, I inform the school girls Immaculate, that John is the son of the HILDA MORONTA colleague and friend, and it came in a television interview with her husband, speaking on the topic of his offspring ... So I reiterate to all the girls to support the candidate, and who enroll in this direction http://juandelgado.otlive.es/ easy. & # 160; And Dominicans living in Barcelona to be put "where generally see ... John is in third place!
invite alumni exhibition to mark the 80 anniversary of College and participation well-known artists of the brush as Geo Ripley, Alberto and Kankyo Houellemont, Amaya Salazar, Yuyu Ramírez, Ariadna Canaan and Mayra Grullon, who incidentally taught painting classes at her home, where they attend a group of women who every day are happier with the results of their studies with Mayra
died in La Vega Mrs. PILAR ROBERT WIDOW Aude, mother of SAID, MONTSERRAT, JAIMITO, LEOPOLD AND WILLIAM, political children, grandchildren, nephews, cousins \u200b\u200band other family members go through the pain of announcing his departure. & # 160; Doña Pilar was buried last Friday. I hereby send our deepest condolences to all family members. Rest In Peace.
Figureo Gallery. ...
and Belkis Frank Horton - Horton Juan Antonio Rodriguez, all a character in Sabana de la Mar
Group Sabana de la Mar after Elupina Miss Mass in Saint Jude Church - Gil Juani
A nice trio Messina Sonia Pereyra, Jorge Iván Houellemont and his mother Maritza Cordova - The sisters Maritza Ibsen and Lithgow Hued
The birthday Blanquita Yepez Anderson - Suny Arias with her daughter and granddaughters - Sandra Montero Messina
Photo Album of Remembrance
Horseback Ligia De Camps, in the center her husband Boris Sanchez, right Leda Martinez De Camps, Liguis De Camps, squatting Nazario Sánchez Lara (Bolo) with Ysa Sanchez and the family dog \u200b\u200bTeddy.
The famous cartoonist Harold Pliego with his cousin Tony Montesano - After 15 years of Maria Rosa Montesano-Marocho - Right in the Country Leo Club of La Vega Felix, the most famous Bad Boy Vegan-Chichi Melendez and Delgado Pedritín
cousins \u200b\u200band brothers and Lizzie back Sully Bonnelly in Ludy center Sánchez Castillo, Lilliam Sophia Naomi and Bonnelly, Soraya Canaan De Camps, Carolina first row and Jovino and Arlette Bonnelly Canaan - After Blanquita Yepez and her husband Frank Anderson
Birthday Graciella Ariadna Sanchez, from left, Jose Alejandro Johnson, Claudia de Lillo, Eugene Rault, Montero Sheila Messina, Ariadne, Alma Karina Sanchez, Mariel and Laura Lillo - After the first birthday of Sonya De Lillo Pereyra in the picture his mother Sonia Pereyra Messina
Monday January 17, 2011
By Victor Tirado Special
Leonel Fernandez in the mid-70's in Sabana de la Mar at a conference on the political situation, which the young politician had been invited by the National Reality cultural group in the middle of holding the traditional week of the culture that had every year as lecturers at the coastal town professionals and academics from various institutions, particularly the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD). Remember with joy that young sabanalamarina delighted with enthusiasm and his social conscience was the keynote lectures taught teachers of the stature of Leonel Fernandez, Balaguer intolerance disappeared Narciso González, Vicente Bengoa, Max Puig, Bishop Juan Félix Pepén, Monsignor Ramon de la Rosa and other intellectuals who at the time they were or were outlined as future leaders of the country. All they can say, without fear mistake, which contributed significantly to the process of human formation of several generations of Dominicans. Their vocations are guided by different paths but surely, and the contribution has been extensive for the education of the Dominican Republic
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