No. 175 No. 174 Why is it essential to use seat belts? 173 CF
Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.
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Why is imperative placed seat belts?
probably all feel sometimes, when traveling in a vehicle and brake hard, that "something" drives us forward. That "something" is virtual and intangible but turns out to be the real cause of major accidents. The seat belt was invented to counteract this effect.
A Isaac Newton was a big issue so that it all wondering, as a physicist, chemist, mathematician, philosopher and inventor, he was intrigued by this feeling, so I decided to investigate the facts. The answer came and stated the "principle of inertia" or first principle of physics.
What does this principle?
"Every body tends to maintain the state of rest or motion that is", and this is true, unless you apply an external force to change this situation.
So, when we are on a vehicle traveling at a certain speed and brake quickly, our body that had been going along with the vehicle at the same speed, by the principle of inertia, continues in that state of motion, so it is thrown forward, hence the need for seat belts positioned to exert an outward force that prevents ejection or suffer serious injury.
The principle of inertia is also the cause when a car is in motion there is "something" that pushes us back, because the material that makes up our body tends to maintain the resting state in which it is. Actually
can absorb the inertia as a resistance to change state bodies, inertia is an "apparent force", not real, that keeps us in the state of rest or motion in which we are offering resistance to change is related to mass because the more massive a body, possess more inertia.
This principle is the satellite that keeps moving for a long time in space, where friction forces are negligible and unable to stop them.
In our world there is no perpetual motion, because the frictional forces exerted on the floor or on a mobile air, make it stop.
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