Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Canada Female Median Bmi Table

At low tide, reveals new creatures to eyes accustomed to inland. In small natural ponds that form between the rocks that the sea flooded in this tide are anemones, these unusual animals like invertebrates with tentacilos plants swaying in the currents that will catch the food placed in his mouth as depths of these more than decorative arms.

Searching rocky areas when the sea recedes, there are small natural aquarium really spectacular and if the water is totally clear you can make this type photos without having to purchase equipment that can dive waterproof in salt water.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Hide Cold Sore On Lip

No. 175 No. 174 Why is it essential to use seat belts? 173 CF


Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.

Juguemos to why?

Why is imperative placed seat belts?
probably all feel sometimes, when traveling in a vehicle and brake hard, that "something" drives us forward. That "something" is virtual and intangible but turns out to be the real cause of major accidents. The seat belt was invented to counteract this effect.
A Isaac Newton was a big issue so that it all wondering, as a physicist, chemist, mathematician, philosopher and inventor, he was intrigued by this feeling, so I decided to investigate the facts. The answer came and stated the "principle of inertia" or first principle of physics.
What does this principle?
"Every body tends to maintain the state of rest or motion that is", and this is true, unless you apply an external force to change this situation.
So, when we are on a vehicle traveling at a certain speed and brake quickly, our body that had been going along with the vehicle at the same speed, by the principle of inertia, continues in that state of motion, so it is thrown forward, hence the need for seat belts positioned to exert an outward force that prevents ejection or suffer serious injury.
The principle of inertia is also the cause when a car is in motion there is "something" that pushes us back, because the material that makes up our body tends to maintain the resting state in which it is. Actually
can absorb the inertia as a resistance to change state bodies, inertia is an "apparent force", not real, that keeps us in the state of rest or motion in which we are offering resistance to change is related to mass because the more massive a body, possess more inertia.
This principle is the satellite that keeps moving for a long time in space, where friction forces are negligible and unable to stop them.
In our world there is no perpetual motion, because the frictional forces exerted on the floor or on a mobile air, make it stop.
continue playing the next note on why?

How Long Will It Take Until Anorexia Shows

why airplanes fly? 172 CF

No. 173 Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.

Juguemos to why?

Why do airplanes fly?
Man always copied nature to invent comfort and technology, not by accident the aircraft has a way of birds or flying insects, the wing design of those allowed to fly with ease.
An airplane can weigh between 500 and 600 tons (1 ton = 1000kg) on \u200b\u200bland, up to 1000 km / h speed and fly close to 13000m altitude, where temperatures are very cold and very low pressures, so its design and the constituent materials must take into account not only to be gone on the air but will face extreme weather conditions to be overcome.
We are surprised that a vehicle as heavy as a plane full of people also come off the ground, against the force of gravity and be able to fly and it is good to ask why do you do? Perhaps we naturally without asking why. The shape of the aircraft
not coincidentally, the wings are designed with calculations such that, like the birds, help much to lift such a mass. They are generated by the friction of air pressure differences between the top (top surface) and bottom (soffit) which in turn generate bottom-up forces, called lift, which are capable of sustaining the aircraft in the air.
At the time of consent, the forces acting under the wing pushes it upward and above acting as sucking up. These forces will vary depending on aircraft speed and control commands from the pilot, so that it will rise, fall, tilts and rotates in the air.
Air is a fluid, ie, matter in motion, so that a plane flying, we can liken to a solid which moves within gaseosa.La matter of physics that studies the forces that appear in that solid called aerodynamics.
Physicists always wonder why physical phenomena, have studied the aerodynamic forces and saw these conditions depend not only speed but also temperature, pressure and fluid density is found submerged. (In the case of plane fluid is atmospheric air).
There are a number of calculations mathematicians who have aeronautical engineers consider when designing an aircraft, as all these factors mentioned are of great importance to avoid hazards on the flight. A slight variation in the design of the wing significantly changes the forces of lift during flight.
Every day, research is underway to modify designs so that the flight becomes more safe and effective. Let
playing posing as researchers think why? and doubting the absolute truths .

How To Cite A Cover Of A Book

Why boats float?

No. 172
Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.
Juguemos to why?
Why boats float?
.... Archimedes decided to take a refreshing dip bath after a busy day. Fill your bathtub, but I was a little distracted, water reached the edge, so that when submerged, the bathroom was flooded. The strange thing is that did not worry about wetting the contrary, a great joy came over him. I was glad he shouted Eureka! What
responded the joy of Archimedes?
As Archimedes was a mathematician, physicist, chemist, engineer, inventor was always thinking about the whys of what was happening around him. The fact is that from that accident began to build physical and mathematical principles that can explain why boats float.
The spill of the bath is that when the body gets into it, displaces a volume of liquid equal to that possessed by, hence the explanation of the flood in the bathroom of the scientist.
This can generate a good experiment to measure volumes:
v For a specimen (cylindrical graduate) put volume given fluid, and measured in the grading scale. V1 v
introduce a body into the cylinder. V
note that the level comes up and measure the liquid level again which of course rose. V2
v calculated the difference between the volumes V2-V1 and the result is the volume of the immersed body
continue responding Well ... why boats float.
you ever felt the feeling of being lighter submerged in water?
This is not a simple sensation, but it is a reality. Immersed in a liquid we have an apparent weight which is lower than our actual weight in the air.
An object placed in a liquid, as long as both liquid displaces its own volume. That amount of liquid displaced has a weight and the weight is called a push, which happens to be a force as its name implies, pulls the submerged body upward, opposing the weight and making it lighter.
The higher the amount of liquid evacuated the greater the thrust and therefore the greater the force that leads upward.
When body weight (which makes sense to below) equal to the thrust (which makes sense up) the body will float in the liquid. Conclusions

For a body floating in a liquid, it should be offered to a large volume of liquid so as to generate a drive that can equal the weight.
When this does not happen and the thrust is much smaller than body weight, the body sinks. Remember
note 168 Easy Science
"The boats are designed so that the part is immersed in water allows a large displacement of liquid and thus generates a thrust that opposes the weight force and therefore float.
The more dense the liquid, the greater the push to offer and the easier it will float in it, so in saltwater you float better in fresh water. "
continue playing the whys and unveiling the mysteries of Universe around us. Scientific Learning to play is much more cute and entertaining.