No. 173 Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.
No. 173 Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.
Juguemos to why?
Why do airplanes fly?
Man always copied nature to invent comfort and technology, not by accident the aircraft has a way of birds or flying insects, the wing design of those allowed to fly with ease.
An airplane can weigh between 500 and 600 tons (1 ton = 1000kg) on \u200b\u200bland, up to 1000 km / h speed and fly close to 13000m altitude, where temperatures are very cold and very low pressures, so its design and the constituent materials must take into account not only to be gone on the air but will face extreme weather conditions to be overcome.
We are surprised that a vehicle as heavy as a plane full of people also come off the ground, against the force of gravity and be able to fly and it is good to ask why do you do? Perhaps we naturally without asking why. The shape of the aircraft
not coincidentally, the wings are designed with calculations such that, like the birds, help much to lift such a mass. They are generated by the friction of air pressure differences between the top (top surface) and bottom (soffit) which in turn generate bottom-up forces, called lift, which are capable of sustaining the aircraft in the air.
At the time of consent, the forces acting under the wing pushes it upward and above acting as sucking up. These forces will vary depending on aircraft speed and control commands from the pilot, so that it will rise, fall, tilts and rotates in the air.
Air is a fluid, ie, matter in motion, so that a plane flying, we can liken to a solid which moves within gaseosa.La matter of physics that studies the forces that appear in that solid called aerodynamics.
Physicists always wonder why physical phenomena, have studied the aerodynamic forces and saw these conditions depend not only speed but also temperature, pressure and fluid density is found submerged. (In the case of plane fluid is atmospheric air).
There are a number of calculations mathematicians who have aeronautical engineers consider when designing an aircraft, as all these factors mentioned are of great importance to avoid hazards on the flight. A slight variation in the design of the wing significantly changes the forces of lift during flight.
Every day, research is underway to modify designs so that the flight becomes more safe and effective. Let
playing posing as researchers think why? and doubting the absolute truths .
Man always copied nature to invent comfort and technology, not by accident the aircraft has a way of birds or flying insects, the wing design of those allowed to fly with ease.
An airplane can weigh between 500 and 600 tons (1 ton = 1000kg) on \u200b\u200bland, up to 1000 km / h speed and fly close to 13000m altitude, where temperatures are very cold and very low pressures, so its design and the constituent materials must take into account not only to be gone on the air but will face extreme weather conditions to be overcome.
We are surprised that a vehicle as heavy as a plane full of people also come off the ground, against the force of gravity and be able to fly and it is good to ask why do you do? Perhaps we naturally without asking why. The shape of the aircraft
not coincidentally, the wings are designed with calculations such that, like the birds, help much to lift such a mass. They are generated by the friction of air pressure differences between the top (top surface) and bottom (soffit) which in turn generate bottom-up forces, called lift, which are capable of sustaining the aircraft in the air.
At the time of consent, the forces acting under the wing pushes it upward and above acting as sucking up. These forces will vary depending on aircraft speed and control commands from the pilot, so that it will rise, fall, tilts and rotates in the air.
Air is a fluid, ie, matter in motion, so that a plane flying, we can liken to a solid which moves within gaseosa.La matter of physics that studies the forces that appear in that solid called aerodynamics.
Physicists always wonder why physical phenomena, have studied the aerodynamic forces and saw these conditions depend not only speed but also temperature, pressure and fluid density is found submerged. (In the case of plane fluid is atmospheric air).
There are a number of calculations mathematicians who have aeronautical engineers consider when designing an aircraft, as all these factors mentioned are of great importance to avoid hazards on the flight. A slight variation in the design of the wing significantly changes the forces of lift during flight.
Every day, research is underway to modify designs so that the flight becomes more safe and effective. Let
playing posing as researchers think why? and doubting the absolute truths .
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