No. 172
Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.
Series Juguemos to why?
Why boats float?
.... Archimedes decided to take a refreshing dip bath after a busy day. Fill your bathtub, but I was a little distracted, water reached the edge, so that when submerged, the bathroom was flooded. The strange thing is that did not worry about wetting the contrary, a great joy came over him. I was glad he shouted Eureka! What
responded the joy of Archimedes?
As Archimedes was a mathematician, physicist, chemist, engineer, inventor was always thinking about the whys of what was happening around him. The fact is that from that accident began to build physical and mathematical principles that can explain why boats float.
The spill of the bath is that when the body gets into it, displaces a volume of liquid equal to that possessed by, hence the explanation of the flood in the bathroom of the scientist.
This can generate a good experiment to measure volumes:
v For a specimen (cylindrical graduate) put volume given fluid, and measured in the grading scale. V1 v
introduce a body into the cylinder. V
note that the level comes up and measure the liquid level again which of course rose. V2
v calculated the difference between the volumes V2-V1 and the result is the volume of the immersed body
continue responding Well ... why boats float.
you ever felt the feeling of being lighter submerged in water?
This is not a simple sensation, but it is a reality. Immersed in a liquid we have an apparent weight which is lower than our actual weight in the air.
An object placed in a liquid, as long as both liquid displaces its own volume. That amount of liquid displaced has a weight and the weight is called a push, which happens to be a force as its name implies, pulls the submerged body upward, opposing the weight and making it lighter.
The higher the amount of liquid evacuated the greater the thrust and therefore the greater the force that leads upward.
When body weight (which makes sense to below) equal to the thrust (which makes sense up) the body will float in the liquid. Conclusions
For a body floating in a liquid, it should be offered to a large volume of liquid so as to generate a drive that can equal the weight.
When this does not happen and the thrust is much smaller than body weight, the body sinks. Remember
note 168 Easy Science
"The boats are designed so that the part is immersed in water allows a large displacement of liquid and thus generates a thrust that opposes the weight force and therefore float.
The more dense the liquid, the greater the push to offer and the easier it will float in it, so in saltwater you float better in fresh water. "
continue playing the whys and unveiling the mysteries of Universe around us. Scientific Learning to play is much more cute and entertaining.
Why boats float?
.... Archimedes decided to take a refreshing dip bath after a busy day. Fill your bathtub, but I was a little distracted, water reached the edge, so that when submerged, the bathroom was flooded. The strange thing is that did not worry about wetting the contrary, a great joy came over him. I was glad he shouted Eureka! What
responded the joy of Archimedes?
As Archimedes was a mathematician, physicist, chemist, engineer, inventor was always thinking about the whys of what was happening around him. The fact is that from that accident began to build physical and mathematical principles that can explain why boats float.
The spill of the bath is that when the body gets into it, displaces a volume of liquid equal to that possessed by, hence the explanation of the flood in the bathroom of the scientist.
This can generate a good experiment to measure volumes:
v For a specimen (cylindrical graduate) put volume given fluid, and measured in the grading scale. V1 v
introduce a body into the cylinder. V
note that the level comes up and measure the liquid level again which of course rose. V2
v calculated the difference between the volumes V2-V1 and the result is the volume of the immersed body
continue responding Well ... why boats float.
you ever felt the feeling of being lighter submerged in water?
This is not a simple sensation, but it is a reality. Immersed in a liquid we have an apparent weight which is lower than our actual weight in the air.
An object placed in a liquid, as long as both liquid displaces its own volume. That amount of liquid displaced has a weight and the weight is called a push, which happens to be a force as its name implies, pulls the submerged body upward, opposing the weight and making it lighter.
The higher the amount of liquid evacuated the greater the thrust and therefore the greater the force that leads upward.
When body weight (which makes sense to below) equal to the thrust (which makes sense up) the body will float in the liquid. Conclusions
For a body floating in a liquid, it should be offered to a large volume of liquid so as to generate a drive that can equal the weight.
When this does not happen and the thrust is much smaller than body weight, the body sinks. Remember
note 168 Easy Science
"The boats are designed so that the part is immersed in water allows a large displacement of liquid and thus generates a thrust that opposes the weight force and therefore float.
The more dense the liquid, the greater the push to offer and the easier it will float in it, so in saltwater you float better in fresh water. "
continue playing the whys and unveiling the mysteries of Universe around us. Scientific Learning to play is much more cute and entertaining.
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