Thursday, April 15, 2010

Draw Field In Illustrator

daily menu: Impunity

Spain is a democracy. This statement every day becomes more and more small, its shadow is reduced at the same time the sun that represents the legacy of Franco reaches its zenith.

live in these days an extreme situation and historical time, the English democratic system does not hold water on several fronts, the complaint of a neo-fascist groups, which should be outside the law, against a judge who seeks to give more tools 100,000 families to find their missing is a process that reminds me of what happened to Max star, actor in a play every day now, unfortunately.

If we join the possibility that an unfavorable ruling of the statute, and I understand unfavorable go against something that has been ratified by referendum by the Catalan society and acquired a broad consensus, we find ourselves in a situation in which the political system and constitution, which has shown that is now too small for the English and that require further progress in the democratization of institutions.

To finish add spice this succulent dish of corruption, corruption very specific and accidentally (or not) affecting mainly less socially conscious party demonstrates, the popular party.

This dish we have presented has a particularity serves not everyone, some people still eating breakfast, eating and dining a good stew of impunity, while sitting on the bench of judges to interpret the law in a way other judges, including Chief Justice Superior Court of Valencia, Juan Luis de la Rua, can be reassured by filing a case, the case Camps, even when shown the gifts of the plot Gürtel President Valencia and not removed from the case, being a close friend of the above "hanger" suits not cheap. Is it not understandable?, Why this double standard?, Nobody thinks this judge sit on the bench for preferential treatment to a friend in court proceedings?, As No, justice is not the same for everyone.

As I said before the English situation is walking down a rope of 50 meters above the ground without a net, foreign media are not created as a democracy like ours can abetting fascist factions while more than one hundred thousand families have not yet entitled to claim the bodies of their murdered relatives. These media have also been called to task by the judiciary, just as it did during the Franco regime, to "explain" how things are really, as if they were stupid and did not know about laws. Certainly an explanation is needed, but what is certain is that it is not going to believe anybody.

To round off this menu and for dessert we have a warm political parties, some forceful example is the supporting act Garzon, promoted by trade unions with the passivity of the directions of the left parties, let alone the parties in Madrid area, who are not even capable of being strong against the corruption of state People's Party, who have given their battle for the 2011 elections and lost its most important values, the ones that have plagued corruption are spaces away from the decision of the organs. Of course I speak of Inés Sabanés , scourge of Esperanza Aguirre, who after seeing Agnes departed, has breathe easier, knowing that nobody from the opposite benches will be overshadowed.
This involves a process of political regeneration in madrid and the rest of the state is incomprehensible to see how the public and the trade unions have the political tasks while the left Madrid stares of onlookers as if it were, the good of interest statement culture of bullfights and the inability on the part of IU and PSOE, to develop a stand against the citizenry has to organize and begin to pick firms to lead the parliament in Madrid a popular initiative. To this we add that we are not able to organize an area of \u200b\u200bsupport to Judge Garzon, where unions have to finally do the job of politicians make me see that the situation in which we are not just blame the right, the Left is as guilty as they are the denial of aid to Madrid and English society is requesting long. We can talk

Republic of Cuba, electoral law, or even re-foundation, the great unknown for many, it is like Atlantis, we have all heard of but nobody has seen. But if we do not care about what society demands and what is shaking the pillars of this semi-democracy is not going to be, and indeed we hardly are, with representation of the people in institutions will be mere extras in the game that really sent in this racket, economic power.

may be true that you need something new, there are times when you fix a car is more expensive than buying a new one, so far I will go to the sites by bus, I buy a new car, but it is clear that my only I holds for short distances, do not get you out of my people, because beyond my people do not trust how you respond.


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