Friday, December 10, 2010

Craque Mou Bladewarband

Why plants have roots? CF

Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.
Series Juguemos to why?

Why plants have roots?

Symbolically roots cling to land us, sustain us in life. Not for nothing that we cling to our country, our families and our affections. Not for nothing is important to know our true origins, those calls to our roots, we need close, safe and when we leave them at large stumbling through their loss.

Why do plants have roots?
Here the symbol is actually the life of the plant depends, among other things, the presence of their roots.
are introduced into the soil and grow downward away from the solar light (negative phototropism), while all the plant grows in search of sunlight (positive phototropism)
v land absorb water and substances necessary for the plant can live through the coat hairs.
water with food substances (crude sap) is transported in the opposite direction to gravity by conducting vessels (xylem) to the whole plant and leaf is produced food process by carbon dioxide the plant absorbs the environment and using that accumulates through the process of photosynthesis. The sap drops chemically modified glasses called phloem and is full of nutrients that the plant uses to grow and live.
v provide the support and allow the plant to settle and claims to land that nourishes it. The more size and depth have the roots, the greater the possibility that the air plant to develop and grow.
v are associated with beneficial bacteria and fungi to degrade inorganic substances such as phosphorus and nitrogen from the air, soil that can be absorbed by the plant. This allows the balance of nitrogen and phosphorous in the world
v Some substances build roots that serve as food for the plant to produce the future Jan flowers, fruits and seeds.
v level environment pretegen roots to soil erosion and some acids secreting used to eliminate pollutants or useful substances disintegrate enrich them.

have been developed through various forms of real time, tailored to the media
v Axomorfas a thick taproot and roots leaving them high
v fasciculate roots are all the same thickness
v napiforme have a tap root that accumulates reserve substances
v Tuberosa present several thickening with accumulation of reserve substances
v Branched several thick roots and branching.
v are adventitious roots that form in certain parts of the stem and to serve the expanded plant, climbing or survive.

We considered the why? and we know the life of plants, living beings belonging to different ecosystems. Without them, animal life and our life would be impossible.


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