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No. 184 Why are there flowers? CF No. 183

SCIENCE EASY ; ; No. 183
Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.

Series Juguemos to why?

Why are there flowers?
The beautiful flowers that surround us, beautify our surroundings, look at us with happiness, that's an important role too well. Our emotions are calm looking so great beauty.
Many times, giving them a bouquet express feelings who want to show our love. This is a very important function that helps us to live in a world full of conflicts and sorrows. Others, as in the case of flower, help financially, as their cultivation have made a real industry, thanks to that man puts in flowers, dreams and symbols and requires different moments of his life.

Within the global biome, fulfill another function, because the flower is the reproductive system of a particular group of plants (spermatophytes). Many flowers, petals enclosed in a part called female and one male gynoecium called androecium are bisexual, hermaphroditic, some contain only the female, are or unisexual flowers ; female and others are just flowers male, while there are flowers that do not have any of them called asexual and surrounding the gendered within a group flowers (flowers) to help with their beauty or perfume to attract the pollinator
v In gynoecium, the female sex organ, was found to fertilize eggs protected by a nearly spherical formation called the ovary, which in turn is ending A tube called stigma as embodied in the pistil which is a kind of drilling that communicates with the outside eggs. All this body covered with a sticky substance that will retain the pollen grains fall on them and ensure fertilization.
v In androecium or male part, which surrounds the gynoecium hermaphrodites, there are filaments (stamens) that end in an organ called the anther when secreted mature pollen or tiny particles of gold color generally, that fall on the ovary and penetrate the pistil with kind of tube to extend through it, thus fertilizing the eggs found in the ovary of the flower.

There are more than 250000 species of flowering plants and flowers including two types, or nas give only to be fertilized seeds and other fruit bearing that turn contain the seeds . (Angiosperms)
The whole reproductive tract will be surrounded by petals of different shapes and colors, which in turn form the corolla , whose an objective to protect the sexual organs of the plant and attract other purpose as its color or scent of birds and insects or animals that are responsible for carrying pollen on their bodies from one place to another, so that spreading and multiply the species.
Only in the mature flower petals are displayed as a nascent bud as small leaves called sepals protect the future flower or insect attack of the birds. Once the flower grows this will become the cup protector.
When the flowers appear in clusters are known inflorescence and many times this group can act as a large flower , as the functions of a party favor to another, there are male and female areas and asexual flowers in general are placed in the periphery, to attract pollinators. The whole group is a huge flower.
The wind also plays a role of pollinators as pollen spread to different places. No coincidence that the spring is windy. It's time to play!

plants that have flowers are called cryptogams and gymnosperms, is For some ferns (bryophytes) or mosses (pteridophytes). They do not give or flowers, and fruits, and seeds and reproduce by spores found in a small capsule (sori) that are in the back of the leaves. When mature and fall to earth with enough moisture to germinate a new plant to
When the eggs are fertilized egg forms a zygote that is subdivided into parts forming the seeds, they say their lives by surrounding themselves with a thick layer protective.
ovary sometimes grow and be surrounded by nutrients that feed on seeds, forming a fruit that mature falls to the ground with moisture favors germination and thus life continues the cycle of forming a new plant. If the fruit is eaten by animals, they digest them and eliminate them by their faeces, falling to the ground and continue the cycle.

Nature continues to amaze with the resources you have to build and maintain the balance of the biome, a small flower contains a purpose to be refined through evolution.


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