passing under the Canal de Castilla on its way through Villaumbrales (Palencia)
was a day in which the Castilla Canlas seemed to touch his brother by a stream icicles made during the cold winter nights.
One of the few places in Tierra de Campos where ferns can be seen, the dry climate of the area and low winter temperatures make it difficult for these plants to become established in that region.
Over more than 200km Castilla Canal runs north-south valleys and plains of Palencia and Valladolid, from Valladolid Alar del Rey to the South Branch to Medina de Rioseco by Ramal de Campos, wetting 7 kilometers from the province of Burgos in the North Branch. 50 locks make jumps in the levels of level to be saved without difficulty vessels that used this means of transportation in the nineteenth century. Now you can make a very interesting and comfortable ride for its towpaths to soak up these flat lands inhabited by geese.
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