Dignity and Development
Island Day
is a tradition that the Dominican Episcopal Conference, each year lead a Pastoral Letter Day Altagracia whose message is spiritual and the February 27, which has more social
line where you touch the problems of the country. This year the priests referred to the famous "Sermon on Montesinos," noting that all Dominicans have the right to a dignified life, enjoying the basic services of food, health, education and public safety, concluding that make an invitation to meet our duty and demand our rights as citizens, as sons and children of this nation we call Dominican Republic ... All this in clear allusion to the disdain that many manage public goods, the deterioration of democratic institutions and an indifference to the evils afflicting society. They also criticize the educational gap, violence, administrative corruption and the loss of values.
The fact is that the ministry is pervasive theme, as many believe it has the "top to handle" the situation we live and Vincho EMARC Castillo understands the route to follow by the authorities and population.
And since we're talking about people, people are expecting changes in the February 27, especially when the press has said that President Fernandez remains long hours in his office at the Palace and the speech supposedly drafted by the decrees which will " destutanar "to ministers and officials. In a TV poll conducted on the streets and Melanio Paredes, Minister of Education, won the most unpopular ... mainly because of the mismanagement that has occurred in this ministry to the school breakfast and the claim of 4% for education ... . Patience! must await the decision of President ...
And in the UASD won elections Matthew Aquino Febrillet ... and according to Ivan Grullon, the current president too involved with the winning candidate ...
And as we're talking about elections, the PRD still polls who will be the candidate if Miguel or Hippolytus, but at least March 6 will know who will be chosen by the membership of the party, but the LDP or have a date for the convention, nor is it clear whether the president is going to opt for re-election or not, and some officials are haranguing Leonel to say yes ....
while a professional group issued a "Manifesto Citizen" where they say that the continuity could lead the country to a kind of postmodern totalitarianism and using propaganda seeks to condition public opinion to accept that Fernandez is the only one able to rule the country .... among the signatories Juan Bolívar Díaz, Roberto Cavada, Mariasela Alvarez, Pedro Catrain among others ...
khaki And uh! ... according to a Haitian historian Joseph-Paul-Reinseinthe Dominicans have to get used to living with his countrymen for the merger of the Dominican Republic and Haiti is just around the corner. He maintained that the candidate
presidential Michel Martelly has a clear position when it poses no "subterfuge" that the only solution to the massive migration of Haitians to Dominican territory, is merging the two countries as one nation. Haitian presidential candidate spoke in FUNGLODE Michel Martelly. (Outside Source) .
Joseph Paul relates, which is hosting the fusion but understands that his compatriots and his country's politicians have to start looking for alternatives because the only hope left for the Haitians is pushing for the international community managed to persuade the Dominican to finally open the border to Haitians, "starving" and out to the Dominican Republic without the traumas facing today ... Be careful with this information ..., 62260, html
munícipes A committee of Sabana de la Mar, Hato Mayor and El Valle, made a press conference at the College of Journalists of the capital, and then in the station Z, in order to require the Minister of Public Works
to resolve the deteriorating situation of total 16 kilometers of 45 - the road keeps them isolated from the domestic trade and development.
Immaculate Mercedes Calcaño, Rosanna Selman, Tony Leon, the Senator from the province of Hato Mayor, the Vice-Trustee of The Valley Floralba Nolasco, said that next Thursday will begin a general strike work, demanding to finish the construction of the road is not operated since 1924, when it was built.
said that the Government keeps them stuck in oblivion when he ignores the deteriorating situation of the communication channel. "In this community there are a lot of agriculture, but we can not market the product because there is no where to get them." Road Now, claim the plaintiffs, while on Thursday reiterated that the community Sabana de la Mar protest in the streets by road.
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The astrologer, I guess or whatever, Cristian Casablanca, remains in the midst of the storm after the scandal that has generadon after coming
in Nuria Piera program. It turns out that the "prophet" encourages gambling by giving the number go out, especially at parties in towns and on TV, where when one gives a "beam" the banks do not accept bets on those numbers. Also supposedly foretells the future and Nuria inflintrò a secret chamber, where Christian even said in that lottery was going to leave the "pale" ... Of all the combinations that gave out some numbers and all that the "prophet" has become rich, while now and the prosecutor supposedly going to investigate ...
Chinatown on Sunday celebrated the New Year of the Rabbit, this time with
the Lantern Festival and filled with joy and childish laughter throughout the area. Flower Foundation for
All, chaired by Rosa Ng Baez and friends in Chinatown, as always played a starring role in the organization and dissemination of activities that is attracting more people to celebrate very important date.
Generalmenta the New Year ceremony begins with the thanks to ancestors and friendly lunch. Burn before the altar of incense, see the Dance of the Lions who also turn on their incense and offer food makers, burn ... the roles of money, do reverence, make the HUNG PAO. And all to eat!
Chinese New Year 2011 is the reign of the Metal Rabbit or Hare.
begins in the Chinese Horoscope the Year of Rabbit or Hare Metal (in the Vietnamese zodiac Jack) and his reign will last until January 22, 2012. The Chinese lunar zodiac consists of twelve signs corresponding to twelve animals of some powerful and warlike as his Tigre just
reign the February 2, others more diplomatic and peaceful as it begins the Rabbit.
According to Chinese legend, Buddha called twelve animals to a new year party. The party arrived separately rat, buffalo, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. To thank you for visiting Buddha gave them each a year informing them of their compatibility with each other and the good years and bad for everyone.
what lies ahead year of the Rabbit
The Year of the Rabbit should be a quiet year in which the arts flourish and diplomacy, a reform of company law and show his sensitive side, but will also be a year full of illusions and delusions where politicians fluctuate unfinished defined.
Read more on Suite101: Chinese New Year 2011: Year of the Metal Rabbit -the-rabbit-of-metal-a38161 # ixzz1Eq2FHnmp
Banco Popular launches new advertising campaign
"People in the world revolves around you"
Banco Popular Dominicano introduced its new advertising campaign, which refers satisfaction customers by providing support to realize their aspirations and dreams, business and family.
The new campaign refers to the bank's segmentation strategy based on a thorough analysis of the needs of each of its customer segments.
The new campaign focuses its message on the concept that the only way to give customers what they really need and want is to have his own vision of 360 degrees, enabling them to offer all products of the bank's portfolio and its viability through various distribution channels, according to the specific financial needs of customers.
The commitment by the financial institution meet its customers contained in the phrase "The People's everything revolves around you" reflects the business strategy of Popular Customer makes the core or center of their business activities.
"Connecting with all easy to grasp what is happening in the virtual and the real world, allowing us to be in keeping with the times." In the Popular everything revolves around you.
For further information or Telebanco www.popularenlí Popular: 809-544-5555. Follow us @ Popularenlinea Popularenlinea.
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The International
Revolt Libya maintains the force despite the threats uttered by Muammar Gaddafi, the dictator who runs the country for 42 years. It became apparent that the regime has lost control in the east. But now desperate struggle to maintain control of the West where heavy fighting is taking place, according to witnesses who come to the border with Tunisia. The situation of pro-Gaddafi is so desperate that 17 Air Force pilots have been executed in Libya in Tripoli after refusing to bomb neighborhoods in rebel-held city of Zaouia, 44 kilometers from the capital, according to Libyan sources military-related reports Ignacio Cembrero.
Gaddafi is struggling to maintain control of the west, and supporters of dictator trying to control the cities of Misurata, Sabratha and Zawiya, as well as roads that link these populations. Witnesses report that Tripoli is a city virtually closed, where protestors are receiving support from soldiers who have deserted from the eastern cities of the country. Some reports indicate that Gaddafi flags have been burned in Zawiya, 50 km west of Tripoli, and that after days of fighting the rebels have taken control of Misurata, 200 km from the Libyan capital ... continue reading
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Pastoral Letters
The pastoral letter is a document consulted by bishops or episcopal conferences, in the exercise of their pastoral ministry. Its purpose is the guidance and training of the conscience of the faithful in matters of faith and morals. In addition to a safe and clear doctrinal base, taken from Sacred Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church must brief and specific, precise and convincing. That can be read to the people at one time and in a relatively short time.
The origin of these documents are in the Pauline letters and the Catholic New Testament. (The so-called "Pastoral Letters of Paul is entitled and to have been addressed to some pastors, Timothy and Titus.) This document type has always been throughout the history of the Church, but from second half of the nineteenth century when they became accustomed to use.
Undoubtedly, the most famous pastoral letter of the Dominican Republic was that of January 31, 1961, protesting the outrages against human dignity committed during the dictatorship.
From Sabana de la Mar came a commission to give a press conference where they announced the march caravan that will take place on Thursday 23 out of town at 6:00 AM to get in front of the Ministry of Public Works and thereby make a peaceful claim that the Minister keep his promise to fix the road between these towns, as they travel through this route is virtually impossible.
During the press conference, Rosanna Selma, Inmaculada Calcaño Trinidad, George Goicochea behind Bianela Quezada, Erotilda Severino Messina Vanessa Rodriguez, Ivonne de Leon, Cristian Heyaime Iturbide Leon - on the next photo, the group next to the deputy for the province, the sisters Matthew Messina Manolín
The Minister had offered to arrange to start in January this year and so far all we have done is take a few road teams raspillaron and citizens expected that this was only the beginning, but it turns out that was the end all and is now much worse, because when a drop of water is much but the pothole.
Efren Iturbide Eliana with her children and Cristian with his shirt that says road already! then with Tony de León, Inmaculada and Rep.
25 - Emely MARTIN, LAURA PEREZ both based in Atlanta and JIMENEZ SALLY
WIN PERAL ILEANA and her husband Hector Luna, just as parents of a beautiful baby bear the same name as the father HECTOR. The birth debut as grandparents to my compadres win and nelfinavir PERAL JESUS, who walk the crooked little grandson ... Blessings!
From Germany came to celebrate their religious wedding MARIA TERESA AND MANUEL ENRIQUE POLANCO Robiou ARP. The ceremony was held at the Church of Mercy in the sanctuary of Holy Hill, officiated by Father Ramos Nino, which was decorated with white flowers and detail requested by the groom, a photo of her grandmother Dona Mencia Melendez in Altar silent witness of the happiness of his grandson.
The groom with his mother waiting for the bride - after marching to the right parents the bride
Different shots of the couple entering the room and dancing
The courtship consisted by the parents of the bride and groom WERNER HANS ARP AND BEATRIZ-BATTY-Robiou (Godmother) and POLANCO JOSE MOLINA (Godfather) AND MARIA TERESA SANCHEZ. Among the ladies were CARMEN MARÍA, sister of the groom and the bride's sisters and Dhayana ERNESTINA MARIA ESTHER.
grooms at the altar with their parents and the priest - then with the ladies and pages
Hans and Batty - The bride and groom with their respective sisters
After the religious ceremony, the couple waited for their guests at Celebration, Reception Room elegantly decorated for the party. The happy couple posed with all her family, started dancing with your favorite merengue, shared, enjoyed a great time at the "crazy hour", threw the bouquet, the league, drank, and as the saying goes "they lived happily and were happy" ... The couple have their residence in Kiel, Germany and will return home next week. Congratulations!
Dr. Manuel Sadhalá his wife Ada and daughter - Orlando Sanchez Diaz, Elizabeth and Hans Arp Sanabia
The crazy hour ....
Carlos Espino and Sandra Silfa - Ernesto Moya Githead his wife and daughter, with Batty
DURAN MAYRA is in La Vega, Jarabacoa, seeing his mother and his sister Nelly aunt Tania.
Others at La Vega is the ARP family Robiou - HANS, BATTY, MARY AND MANUEL CARMEN - who came from Germany and of course will be at the carnival
Bianela Dr. Quezada, Legal Manager of the Foundation for Credit
-FUNDAPEC Education, "was awarded the Excellence Award 2010 to provided by the institution, obtained by high merit and excellent service to the foundation. They handed the plaque Vice President of FUNDAPEC, Carmen Cristina Álvarez and the Executive Director, Rule Brito de Vargas.
CONCEPCION MERCEDES-Mechi-and TAMAIRA RINCON MOYA. Send to their families our deepest condolences.
Figureo Gallery. ...
Tony Gomez with his wife Mildred Ramos and her daughter Amelia Mildred - Miracles and Guarionex Gomez - Victoria and Chemy Robiou
Mechy Melendez Canaan Rizeck Melina and her husband, Hans, Ramón Robiou, Herbert and Josephine Canaan, Batty - Fifine Shields, Victoria Sanabia together the daughters of Ocaira de la Mota and Fiorcita Sanabia
Juan Luis De Camps, prepared to endure the music of carnival - Erotica and Immaculate Severino Calcaño Macuqui- Trinidad
Matthew Francis - Cristian Iturbide - Leon Heyaime Demorizi
's Photo Album remember
This photo is a beam ... The Chamaco Duquela, Leo and Quiquin Felix Delgado Pedritín "The Bad Boys "and Rey Rodriguez ... Then the orchestra Rafaelito Martinez, who stands to the right of the photo
O beam work, sisters and Yamel Pilar Mejia Messina - a Jacqueline Canaan right would disguise the butterfly in the Central LV Casino
Read this letter sent by me to the program Case Closed "by Dr. Ana Maria Polo Miami, Florida, in protest at the plans submitted where Dominican colony is discredited, either on purpose or not. As a Dominican, I was offended by the way, and the mob carried the program from the Upper Manhattan in New York to Miami, with accommodation costs and payments. Whether this is due to a campaign against the country, do not know.
Jorge Jorge, New Jersey
Program "Case Closed"
Dr. Polo and distinguished friends of "Case Closed"
First my congratulations to the Doctor and staff, for the success and scope that has had its program, which pride to every American, and but those are their most loyal viewers.
The motive for this, is our surprise and concern "Case Closed" to produce its programming in the State of Florida, to choose and settle in Upper Manhattan in New York, and only focus on illegal activities, and people which account, discredit and degrade the community.
The Upper Manhattan, as were the other boroughs, where many people have left valuable, is no exception, has the same problems of the new migrations where to start looking to build a new life. This leads to crowding (lack of housing) and living, often against his will, with people of different levels, and customs.
The question we ask is: Why, and what is the motive of "Case Closed" by coming so far to file such a negative way a community, like all others, has more good people than bad , and more work than lazy?. There is a saying: "Whoever wins in New York, wins everywhere." If you have been given the task of finding those good people and has succeeded, have found it in droves. Business men and women, doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, bankers, eminent journalists, and even senior government officials.
Least we need now are wars and ethnic encounters, we can divide more than they are. There are groups that feel superior over others, this is negative, and something that we should avoid as persons of questionable place.The behavior presented in their programs, and no doubt freely transported and lodged for that purpose, engage in your area to the illegal sale and illegal aphrodisiac substances harmful, instead of being displayed on the screen, had to be submitted to justice, in the same jurisdiction.
seen in "Case Closed" is not the first time given, as elsewhere (El Show de Cristina) was given the task of showing the worst and lowest in the Dominican Republic. This led to the communicator Nuria Piera Cristina came to the show, try the case and face their own producers and producer. I think that is the case, the fact that ultimately our country is undergoing a smear campaign and disinformation, it is suspected, is intended to damage our tourism industry. This is the case claim that a large number of Venezuelans caught the "Cholera" after attending a wedding and eat lobster in a Dominican hotel. Why, only the Venezuelans hurt our lobsters!
I want to assure you that I am a loyal fan of your program and do not believe in any kind of censorship, but in the good sense and sound discretion. Dr. Polo only used to say he had eaten during their stay tasty in Upper Manhattan, now I say to our valued Doctor, if you have not visited the Dominican Republic to visit us, and I assure you, that make you feel at home.
not live nor have I ever lived in Upper Manhattan, one in New Jersey, since my arrival in the United States in 1955, but fully know, the beginning and development of the compatriots in the area.
Yours cordially.
Jorge Jorge, New Jersey