Dignity and Development
Vicente Fox "laid an egg" when attacked President Hugo Chavez to provide facilities international drug trafficking. The former Mexican president made his remarks at a press conference in Santiago and immediately opened up a pot of cricket, because from the journalistic point of view was disrespectful to come to these views into
our country. The first raised his voice of protest was the Venezuelan ambassador who said that these accusations are baseless and in all media and are repudiating the dishonesty of Fox, so the matter will be at the table all week.
Another issue that is "inflaming" the gas and no wonder, the Dominicans are paying the blessed fuel and gold prices this week and Anadegas carriers (Nal Association . Retail fuel) are announcing demonstrations, strikes and protests calling for the government to modify the Hydrocarbons Law. And in each gallon of gasoline The Government earns between 45 and 49 pesos, and between 32 and 38 diesel and these amounts do not match international prices.
protests are part of a vigil in front of Industry and Commerce and the worst is that service stations sell the fuel that they have in their tanks and stop receiving fuel from day 13, that means that no agree, enter into a fuel crisis at all levels and in all provinces ... or a time bomb.
"They pay for the sins" so the saying goes and that's the Minister of Education with breakfast school, due to the recent poisoning of students in Haina, now Melanio solution was to suspend indefinitely food rations to all schools and of course the move has caused protests among parents and teachers who believe that the correct thing investigate the causes, determine liability and if education can not handle that, no "drop in banda" to those who need their meal (1.5 million students who are the majority) as the government pays a millionaire and find practical solutions for all or at least create an organization to take care of that. Imagine, no breakfast and without the 4% for education awaits our youth?? caramba!
And we walk as "lawless goats, and people can not even go to protest a disproportionate price in the collection of electricity, as happened to Roberto Casalinovo, who Megacentro Edeeste presented in a claim for a bill, he was wearing a baseball cap and sweatpants shorts, complaining of blackouts and high cost of service, "wachiman" asked to take off his cap, came under discussion and the guard shot, while another person was injured. One problem is that companies pick up anyone, you are given a gun and it is "security" ... The company says it will investigate the case and the family of the deceased to file a lawsuit ...
EPAA! wherever baked beans, come from India and Brazil to try to reach the United States by crossing the Mona Passage is strong ... and much more if they are caught as did five Indians and a Brazilian who were arrested in a boat to the Isla del Encanto ... many wonder if the Indians came from cops in the president's plane because they paid for passages in his country had put tremendous business ....
And while some want to go to "countries" in Pedernales want in the "countries" know that the locusts ate at the famous wedding of "Rome" did not come from their costs, since there has been no case of cholera and now they want to discredit this area is one of the most beautiful of the island and where you eat the best seafood in the area ...
The best available technology
Juan Reynoso - Juanito is King Momo Carnival this year and Vegan Ramonita Palm Vasallos Queen Mother, who received 50 000 dollars each and crowns from Hughie and Cecilia Guzman Alvarez. Juanito belongs to the group The Chiu founded in 1984 and ordered by decree the municipal band music in a posthumous tribute to trumpet chiu emphasized Miguel Diaz and a dawn to Junior Hernandez both deceased.
proponents Vegan Carnival 2011, are: Pedro Francisco Muñoz (Ponón), José de la Cruz (El Chato) Felipe Vásquez and the International Propeller folklorist Dagoberto Tejeda. .
The Group of The Broncos will make special recognition for his 30 years in the carnival.
the character recognition of the year was Antonio Santos Fernández (Luis), while Daniel Hernandez as Craftsman, Julián García (the duckling) was recognized as the Devil Carlos Ibáñez cripple and was recognized as a tailor of the year.
also recognized the late Freddy Beras Goico who was the first to make a satellite broadcast of the carnival, for the country and the world. Induveca received recognized as the driving institution.
RD will benefit from professional training for teaching
The International Bureau of Education (IBE) of UNESCO held its sixtieth meeting of the Board in Geneva. The Dominican delegation was represented by the Permanent Ambassador to UNESCO, Mrs. Rosa Hernández de Grullon, and the Minister of Education was represented by & # 160, Mercedes Hernández Caamaño. The Dominican Republic is Vice-Chairman of the Board.
The central theme of this meeting was to inform the Council's Strategy aimed at making the International Bureau of Education (IBE) in a center of excellence for curriculum.
This project aims to design appropriate programs and services, innovative and effective, responsive to the needs of Member States and that are, above all, quality. For the Dominican Republic, this strategy will support actions for the qualification of teachers to improve their teaching practice.
always by your side
The International
Malawi wants to ban farting in public
Parliament of Malawi expected to restore a colonial law prohibiting farting in public, the minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of the country, George Chaponda.
"The government has the right to maintain public decency," said Chaponda to independent radio Capital Radio. "We need to impose order," he said. Or do they want people to pull farts everywhere? "
According to the minister," now and because of the multi-and freedom, people are allowed the right to loose anywhere. "
"The needs of nature can be controlled (...). Malawians "may very well go to services instead of farting in public," he said.
According to the minister, Parliament next week will consider an amendment that farting in public qualify as "misdemeanor," punishable by a fine.
"Let the members decide," said Minister of Justice.
No Malawian has been convicted under the 1929 law enacted during the time when Malawi was a British colony.
Ceramics - Bathrooms - Taps,
Painting Home Theatre Award 2010 - on Thursday February 10, wings 8:30 pm ... Invite Banco Popular Dominicano and Home Theater
will comply
11 - DURHAM RODRIGUEZmi RANDHALL cousin living in Tennessee ...
13 - PEÑA DE FERNANDEZ Yanitza in La Vega and New Jersey Emely GARCIA RODRIGUEZ
15 - LORA MARIE CLARA CRUZ, Lillo Clarita granddaughter
16 - MIRIAM VILANOVA Gil, Gil Diaz Arcadio's wife, his niece SABRINA GUZMAN Viloria. Also JESUS \u200b\u200bGILBERTO Concepcion Garcia, the man QUALITY
17 - ALTAGRACITA RODRIGUEZ, daughter and Emma Turraco
19 - VALERIA SANTANA RAMOS, Valerie is the granddaughter of Annie Enriquillo. DAUGHTER OF RUBY RAMOS SANTANA AND LEIRA
The photos are RAQUEL Demorizi, her daughter and granddaughter, both with the same name TABATA, who recently birthdays. ; TABATA is the wife of ANTONIO FERNANDEZ Demorizi, son of Rachel, so the family was singing a triple celebrate your birthday "and we send a warm greeting ...
The photo shows CYRIL J. GUZMAN, receiving from the hands of Vice President Rafael Albuquerque, the National Youth Award in the Professional Leadership row.
CIRILO is an excellent professional, an attorney with an MBA, who is Deputy Public Prosecutor of the National District and dedicated his award to his mother and his hometown Altagracia La Vega ... Congratulations Cyril.
must continue supporting JUAN DELGADO MORONTA in Operación Triunfo Barcelona. So I reiterate to all ; to support John, and who enroll in this direction http://juandelgado.otlive.es/ easy. And Dominicans living in Barcelona to be made "where the general's see ... John is in third place!
De HUASCAR SOTOMAYOR RODRIGUEZ MARTIN, his wife Silvia her sisters Amalia, Denise, Raisa, Maria del Pilar and Cruz-Girl-Amalia, his children, nephews, uncles and other relatives are very sad at his departure. Huascar Martin, was a much loved in Santiago where he was head of a major cement company, also known as a very charitable, humble and a big heart.
Figureo Gallery. ...
Dalia Gonzalez Cuban alongside Fernando González, Carmen Peña and Neck
Tapounet Yira, Omar and Tania Sánchez Peña
Livino Viñas, Transportation and Boyi Mayra Goicochea
Photo Album of Remembrance
HonoringCarnival Vegan
present a picture of the group Los Chiwas, 1985, date of its foundation. We Juanito Reynoso (King of Carnaval 2011), Freddy Ramos, Cesar Arturo Abreu, Nelson Holguin, Miguel Díaz (deceased), Toguitín Ramos Valentin Ramos, among others.
Brothers and Christy Cristian Rodríguez Fernández - right other brothers and Ricky Ailsa Espinola vineyards, all in the Central Casino de La Vega, in a dance costume of February 27.
Rosario Sánchez Díaz, dressed in Arabic at a party at the Country Club
Corso Florido in La Vega, March 1, 1959. Elías Rodríguez include guitar and hat for girls Rosario Sánchez, Gisela Rodriguez, Celeste and Minerva Gómez, Ana María Rodríguez
Over and out!
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