Dignity and Development
This Friday, February 11 died in Dr. Luis R. Cuello Mainardi, founder and president of United Hearts. It was my boss, my friend and my confidant. I have enough material to talk about this extraordinary man, whom I met 30 years ago through my brother the doctor also Ludovine Sanchez, who shared the dream of helping sick children of poor Dominicans economic.
After studying medicine in France and have lived in Europe for many years, Dr. Cuello returned home and found the cardiology was in its infancy, it was proposed to bring the country into modernity and thanks their international relations gradually managed to turn his dream into reality. Dominican cardiology So we can say that had two stages: before and after neck doctor. That is a truth that can not be hidden.
a unique humor, enjoyed it all: when praised and when criticized. I remember once a colleague wrote an article "Ranting" Dr. Neck and enjoyed so much that he sent to frame the paper and show it to everyone, including who wrote it.
Neck had a keen eye that scared, I was able to make a diagnosis just by seeing the person and had the honesty to not accept money from people who knew beforehand they were going to die and that thought expensive treatments that would be saved. I told the family " not keep spending unnecessarily, because they'll be without money and without the patient ."
spoke several languages, he liked poetry and music, born of art collector, was a former "Mercedes Benz" which ran until two or three years. Beat throat cancer and died of pneumonia. His desire was that it cremated and the ashes put next to your loved ones.
The void left is enormous, his life is an example of the tenacity that makes dreams come true. Through the Foundation have been operated on more than 3,000 children abroad and at home alike. More than 100 000 consultations in our offices, medical operations and above all pioneers. In his memory and Freddy Beras Goico and following their examples, the Foundation will continue with the same mystique to help the needy, now through their children-are also cardiologists, and equipment during these 25 years we worked together on.
February, month of the Patria, the month of carnival and the vortex have the traditional parade transfer of the Malecon, now for W. Avenue Churchill ... yes, the council of DN and policy makers think that Churchill is the most glamorous, but they forgot about citizenship, the chaos that brought the change, plugs and above all the beauty of the Malecón, forgot the sea \u200b\u200bbreeze, sea, palm trees ... And Dagoberto Tejeda, one of the founders of the National Carnival Parade, said the carnival has become
traders and the people will not enjoy as before, that what they claim is "whitewash" and "take the jay "the carnival.
While Orlando Lora, president of UCAVE defended the move, arguing that they are going to put in a balance for the whole city, which will give more striking, as it has become an industry ... but opinion is no better stage than the Caribbean Sea and period!.
spent Valentine find many people dressed ... red, lollipops and small piece shaped like hearts, but few expensive gifts and the oven is no cupcake, with the new increase in petrol and passages of the public cars, people go to hell trying to stretch Chelita
... Where it seems that if they were to celebrate Valentine was imprisoned Najayo where a supervisor, who is a lawyer, with a bundle full of alcohol and 39 grams of white powder presumed to be cocaine. The man arrived in a "jeepetón", as he owned the place, but it seems that Leon and Jose Ramirez, it would target and is now detained and investigated if there are other People stuck in the matter.
And another who was also being questioned is the warden of the prison La Victoria by the death of Jose Luis Montas-El Duro Motors, one of those involved in the case of the killing of Paya sentenced to 30 years and who according to relatives of the deceased died from alleged medical malpractice and is now awaiting the outcome of the autopsy to determine the cause of death. (Some news that could have been presumed causes of poisoning) For now we must wait for the results.
The best available technology
The Dominican government appointed a commission to prepare for the commemoration of the centenary of the birth of the actress Maria Montez, call Hollywood "The Queen of Technicolor."
Other activities planned for 2012, is the construction of a monument and a museum in Barahona.
Maria Montez, whose real name was Maria Africa Vidal Gracia, was born on June 6, 1912 in Barahona and died in Paris on September 7, 1951, apparently of a heart attack while bathing.
daughter of a English diplomat and a Dominican, Montez was highlighted in adventure films like "The Thousand and One Nights" (1942), "The Wild White" (1943), "Queen Cobra" ( 1944), and "Sudan" (1945), among others.
In 1943 she married French actor Jean-Pierre Aumont, who had a daughter, Tina, who followed his parents' art.
Elections in the UASD
The apirantes to the rectory for the next three years are Alejandro Pichardo, Ivan Grullon, Matthew Febrillet Aquino, Oscar Rosario and happy child, all in the midst of a unprecedented student overcrowding in the history of this house of higher learning
Contrary to other opportunities, although all candidates are identified with the main political parties in the country, they have been careful not to openly support any of them
Febrillet Matthew Aquino received 46% of the vote, while Ivan Grullon was in second place. Now there will be a runoff and not an alliance deCarta Grullon, Felix and Pichardo, so I still do not know what the final result.
always by your side
The International
not only "Roman" are sick people, but also at the Playboy Mansion
A mysterious disease has infected about 170 people who attended a party held after a conference at the Playboy Mansion, said health authorities in Los Angeles.
The Department of Public Health County of Los Angeles said he is trying to contact all those attending the conference on Internet Domain three days held in early February in the city of Santa Monica, attended by 700 professionals from some 30 countries.
Symptoms include fever, chills, malaise and a slight cough. At the moment, the cause of the disease. At the party would have used a machine to create fog around the pool, which was cited by some guests affected as a possible cause of the disease, said Sunday the Los Angeles Times.
The Department of Public Health County of Los Angeles sent an email to all attendees warning about the spread of the disease among guests at the Playboy party conference.
Ceramics - Bathrooms - Taps,
hypochondriacs Celebrities
According to Merck Manual of Medicine, a hypochondriac is a person who "refers to physical symptoms and is particularly concerned because it firmly believes that correspond to a serious illness." In the book Tormented Hope. Nine lives hypochondriac. (Penguin Ireland, 2009), Ireland's Brian Dillon takes a look at some of the most famous hypochondriacs of history, among them is Charlotte Brontë, author of Wuthering Heights , who claimed to have suffered her first attack at nineteen years old.
Darwin and Proust, two very productive hypochondriacs
Distraught about his health also lived Charles Darwin, who suffered a mixture of symptoms such as palpitations, upset stomach and headaches, and felt permanently "off", dull and old. He complained of pain in my hands that nobody could find an explanation, and was worried about the size your nose. He once even said "poor health saved me from social distractions and fun." And ensure that only thanks to "the disease" had been able to work well and develop his famous theory of evolution of species.
Dillon says that hypochondriasis has found a relationship between fear, creativity and disease. The French writer Marcel Proust, who among other things was so sensitive to sounds that had to cover the walls of his room with cork. Also, I was especially obsessed with the wipes and "suffering from" asthma. For many years, Proust spent whole days in bed and get up at night to write. So wrote the 16 volumes of In Search of Lost Time (1913-1927), considered one of the masterpieces of world literature.
A party to celebrate the the New Year of the Rabbit and the 1st Lantern Festival this Sunday February 20 from 4 pm.
Flower for All Foundation and Bachi Team has been working hard to offer this event which will have a Youth Band Concert Wind Instruments, directed by Maestro José Andrés Vidal with about 50 young people stage.
will also have the Dragon and Lion Dance and diverse interests of groups of children from Saint George Schools, Institute of Cultural China, ICCH, Dominican College Chinese and many others who bring their flashlights to look at the event as Calasanz, New Horizon, the Cure of Ars and so on.
Come and appreciate our Horizontal Gaze Photographic Exhibition.
----------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Happy Babies and Kids Star
task class - NEWBORN CARE BORN
Juan Tomás Mejía and Cotes No. 60, 2nd. plant Arroyo Hondo,
There ARIADNA SANCHEZ and OLIVIER TABERNACLE OF TEJEDA provide care to newborns, job classes, English as a Second Language, literacy and strengthening of English, early stimulation, development
of fine and gross motor skills, parenting, art manuals etc.
The restaurant has excellent physical facilities, air conditioning, personal monitoring, competent professionals, parking facilities, with a healthy and suitable for children.
Juan Tomás Mejía and Cotes No. 60, 2nd. plant, Arroyo Hondo,
PHONE: 809-540-3632
19 - VALERIA RAMOS SANTANA daughter Rubi Ramos Santana and Leira. Valerie is the granddaughter of Annie Enriquillo.
22 - Yamel MEJIA MARIA DEL PILAR Messina and Messina RODRIGUEZ
They joined their lives in strict family intimacy Canaan's niece JACQUELINE RENE PEÑA and Caonabo TAVERAS LOPEZ. Spouses are Imilce children of Canaan Osvaldo Pena and Diaz and the groom Jorge Taveras and Lourdes Lopez. We wish you many happy and to remember that marriage is three, she, he and Father God!
straight from Germany and the Olympic and cultured city of La Vega are visiting spouses and BATY Robiou HANS ARP, then there are their children MANUEL and MARIA CARMEN ... ahhh Carnival "pulls"
Tube BUQ
I present a famous video of "Girls Can" Sabana de la Mar, a group of ladies in carnival festivities employers and preparing shows doing imitations of famous artists.
Here we can see on the keyboard to Clara Luisa Lopez, in the choir at Berec Messina, Clara King, Macuqui, Mayra, etc. all some artists ...
I just learned of the death in New York of the lady ANA MARIA JIMENEZ, mother of YENICK APONTE PEREZ and ANITA. Aunt Anna was a sister of Dr. ANTONIO MARIA JIMENEZ, MAYRA BRETON aunt lived many years in the United States, then moved to La Vega and a few months ago was back in New York where he died. We send our deepest condolences to her daughters, grandchildren, nephews and other relatives. Peace to his remains.
Doctor LUIS R. NECK Mainardi, CARMEN GONZALEZ his wife, his children Carol, Bruno, and twins Rafael and Victor Luis Ivan. His brother Jorge, his grandchildren, daughter-, cousins \u200b\u200band other family members reported that the express wish of the doctor as his remains were cremated.
The United Hearts Foundation is a signature book for those wishing to express condolences to the family Cuello González - Flaco Fantino Street No. 21, Eixample NACO
Doña Zoraida FERNANDEZ VDA. RAMIREZ, mother of 17 children, including Charito de Dominguez, also Pedrito many grandchildren, great grandchildren and family and who died at the age of 100 years old. What more fulfilling life!
Figureo Gallery. ...
Celebrating Valentine
Oriana De Oleo, Cinthia and Monica Estrella Batista - Mayra Grullón Husbands and Willy Alvarez
Soraya Lara Marble - Celena Gonzalez and Kent Lewis
Two poses of Mary Joseph daughter of spouses and Lissette Perez Infante Eliezer
PortesMargarita and Ivan Fernandez
Photo Album of
remember Dr. Cuello Mainardi
In New York, saluting the First Lady Nancy Reagan - then also in the Big Apple with designer Oscar de la Renta, Paquito Rodriguez, Juan Tapia and
Angeles GlickWith the Presidents Leonel Fernandez and Hipolito Mejia
With the famous French mime Marcel Maceau - in the center giving recognition to Dr. Angel Chan Aquino - right with dear friend Dr. Ludovine Sánchez Díaz
One of the first trip with children in the United States - with Mrs. Angelica Henriquez, another unforgettable personality of United Hearts recently deceased
Receiving an award in The Fat of the week across from the Alcazar de Colon - In New Jersey, receiving a recognition of Healing the Children
With Ariadna Sanchez - the center receiving recognition from his wife Carmen Gonzalez, who was sent from the U.S. - with the defunct Freddy Beras Goico and Dr. Pedro Iván Peralta, May 2010
Mardi Gras ....
Josefina Canaan Arab fancy dress - Juan Isidro Bernal disguised as a clown with his wife Josefina Franco
Different "masqueraders" in dances held in La Vega
My son and the bad words
By Raquel Demorizi
hear from the lips of the children terms vulgar, rude, inappropriate and we were shocked, saying "where they learned those words? Spontaneously express them in crowded places putting us in awkward position to which we respond flaunting discipline and scolding sermons. Take your magnifying glass and identify the common source of this flowery verb learning. Almost all of us thus misses an integration of them to the child or adolescent's vocabulary usually originates by imitation not only of parents but also of the friends and even adopt the language they hear from their heroes in cartoons and others. To this we add the influence of the media where the language used by some leaves much to discuss.
difficult it is to prevent learning! The first time it sounds funny but it is not, tell them immediately that it is wrong to not be embarrassed then, change it for another funny encouraging him to repeat it. At a young age do not know that means a bad word, but our reaction will tell you, when you go raising awareness is the time to analyze it together. A word that we consider bad may have individual meaning both know that means for your child prior to editing. If these are typical not surprise us to hear them instead amount to an insult if we offended and take action. We are leaders in the life of the children not forget that the example starts at home.
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