Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tree Branch Centerpieces

Noting that the matter is electricity CF No. 186


Author: , Maria Cristina Chaler.

knowledge re-released

Noting that the matter is electricity

matter consists of molecules, which in turn are only combinations of atoms and these are vacuum filled with electricity, you need to check.

we doubt on science, not to believe everything he says and try to see if it is true that which is imposed upon us as truth.
experimentally verified only if we say that we are dealing with a scientific truth of the moment, that may change in the future from new discoveries and that nothing is absolute and all vary with the advance of time.

The atomic nucleus consists of positively charged, it is quite stable despite the trend to be rejected, neutrons (neutral particles) have a strong force to "bind your" and stabilizes.

Electrons have virtually no mass and orbit around the nucleus rapidly in a large empty space, neutralizing the nuclear charge, therefore the matter is neutral.

This is provided that no physical phenomena that no movement of electrons from one side to another and transiently modify this neutrality.
The nucleus is not easily modified, but the electrons around is not so difficult to move from side to side.
Suppose that for some reason the subject loses some of its electrons, then it would be positively charged and that dominated the nuclear charge. One that has more electrons than protons by some kind of phenomenon is predominantly negative.

Let's do a little experiment:

We took a piece of paper, not too thick and cut into small pieces, then rub against clothing or a cloth and a plastic ruler finally approach the role. Let's see which float in the air to get closer to the rule and stick to each other in a chain.

How do we explain what we just observed?
Rubbing material (plastic) cloth makes the electron transfer occurs from one body to another so that the recipient negatively charged electrons and the positively charged will be lost.
The rule will be charged positive or negative electricity as its easy to lose or gain electrons and pass closer to the papers the following:

If it becomes positively charged electrons attract them so that they induce a negative in the near paper end rule and a positive pole on the opposite end (two poles transient).

If it were negatively charged electrons in the end reject closer to her role in inducing a very positive and the negative pole on the opposite end.

This is how chain induce positive and negative poles and bits of paper stick to the rule by electrical attraction and will stick to each other and also induce charges
According facility that has the material to take the body to lose electrons become positively charged or negatively.
Glass has a tendency to give up their electrons to be rubbed with a cloth so it is positively charged, plastic, instead absorbing electrons are therefore negatively charged.
There is another way of electrifying a body. Putting in contact with another and electrified.

How do we explain this? Suppose a body is positively charged (+) because he has started rubbing a few electrons, when it comes to another it will do is remove also electrons (per ride) so that electricity will be charged with the same sign (+).

If the opposite happens, ie if a neutral body contacted another electrically charged negative (-), or with excess electrons, they will be transferred and the body is negatively charged (-).
When a body electrified by contact with another, it is loaded with charges of equal sign as the body that contact.

We draw the conclusion that :

The bodies are loaded by friction, induction or contact.

these phenomena in electric charges are distributed evenly over the surface of bodies, but the points were accumulated and given what we call the power of the tips: when a charged body has tips, density (number of charge / area) in them is so great that loads jump into the air. The air molecules that surround them are electrically charged with the same sign and repel each other, generating a movement is called electric wind.

An application of this power is the lightning rod, invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1752. It consists of a metal rod with one or more points. Is placed on the roofs of tall buildings attached to a cable conductor which in turn is attached to a metal plate is buried at some depth.

The clouds in the stormy days are charged large amounts of electricity from a given sign and opposite charges attract induction into the ground making it possible to download (pull) the fact that we know as lightning can make sense of the cloud toward the ground or reversed.

When a tag approaches the lightning will induce opposite charges which generate an electric wind ions (charged air particles) that achieve the tag neutralization (removes the charges) and prevents the formation beam. If the wind reaches the cloud or the accumulation of charges on it is great to be neutralized, it will generate a beam, but discharged through the arrester to be connected to earth to prevent damage.

What are the phenomena that we live daily to check what you just stated?

• The dry days is likely to spend the remaining comb our hair on end. The comb hair and rub the electricity they carry the same sign so that they repel each other and bristle.
• Many times shake hands with another feel a blow that tells us that we were charged with static electricity. Certainly, walking, rubbing of the shoes against the floor, conveys or removes electrons.
• The tape of the gym in the adjacent material generated by the friction of rotation, electrical charges that sometimes detect the touch.
• The car on the road by the friction of air power are also charged. The tourers tails or chains used to download it onto land.
• The days of storm clouds and wind by friction with the air is electrified sometimes positively and sometimes negatively as lost or gained electrons, the approach will be downloaded each other. We hear thunder and see lightning.
• Often feel crunches when we took a sweater or blouse, and even if we do see light in the dark. This shows that our clothes were electrically charged.
• Turning on the computer or TV monitor if we bring to our arm, the fine bristles by electrical induction and if you rub the screen felt a crack download product.

and see once again the electrical nature of matter.

The material is presented convincing before our eyes but it is abundant and is only empty space in such a state electricity appears to diversity


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