Thursday, January 29, 2009

Us Average Salary For Ccie

That hacemos with the capitalism? If my garden

El Pais,

one way or another, the 120,000 activists from around the world at the World Social Forum (WSF) held in the Brazilian city of Belém is on the left. Of all the left: ancient and modern. Some left without horizons which brings together old Leninist new environmentalists, anarchists with black flags, progressive priests and even associations of prostitutes. Many left with one question: what to do with capitalism? And a novelty: for the first time, none of those left burned American flags, as in previous editions of this meeting, designed as an alternative to the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland). Which now takes place in Belém, than in previous years seemed to be dying victim of neoliberal euphoria of a world richer than ever before, has risen to power thanks to the global financial crisis, which has changed the distribution of the deck.

However, although the question about the future of capitalism is the common denominator of discussions and conferences of the forum, there is no consensus about of how or what to replace it. discussions in two trends: on the one hand, of those who want to replace capitalimo other economic system, without specifying which. Some, such as the Landless Movement (MST), call for a return to socialism. But what socialism? It is more difficult to define, although several experts as the French sociologist Ignacio Ramonet, the FSM requested to undertake common battles with governments to break with capitalism, such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.

"socially responsible market"

The second trend, more moderate, is defended by one of the creators of the forum, Oded Grajew, who proposed as an alternative to the system that has broken the it calls "socially responsible capitalism." Instead of the free market, calls a "socially responsible market with a more participatory democracy." Not reject the existence of private enterprises, but always points out, "that are socially controlled."

Besides the question of what to do with capitalism, another question sounds hard Belém Forum: Where were the governments of the world those billions of dollars now are removed from the sleeve to save the financial system and of lacking when it came to investing in education or health?

If since its first edition in 2001, the social forum was presented as a counterpoint to the Davos, this year's antagonism could not be more clear and precise.

The Workers' Party (PT), which governs in Brazil and the forum is accused of having given up his roots left, has mobilized 3,000 militants to prepare a climate conducive to the arrival of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who this year has chosen to attend the meeting instead of at Belém in Davos. According to some of his advisers, it seems that President arremeterá hard against capitalism and against those who caused the financial crisis.

has not yet been confirmed Lula's participation in the debate scheduled between the landless and the presidents of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Paraguay, Fernando Lugo. The MST, apparently, has not invited to Lula, con quien MAINTAINS numerous differentials.


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