Thursday, January 8, 2009

What Does A Purple Spot On Skin

the energy dependence

Another example of energy dependence: From Russia move the little finger and between Bosnia and Serbia 200,000 people remain without heating. And all because the great artery of its natural gas supply has stopped for unclear reasons and interesaos unknown ... (of course in the hands of four companies that have their hands on welfare and perhaps even the survival of these people and engaged in playing blame to each other to avoid the responsibilities and keep the profits)
Exacatament ... how? And with what right? Or with what threats? (House specialty)

I'm not saying we should let it all collapse and Eastern Europe since s'espabilaran if they die of cold, but we both know that the only creative as ever do is hold us what we already have at gunpoint if necessary, as hysterical and started screaming when we need instead to ask why and seek alternatives. Or maybe it was not foreseeable that by putting all four hands in energy supply could go something like this?

few days ago I read a very short book that I found very childish and written without much grace or technical background but the message is interesting. "Whoever has been Llevado my cheese?" That raises the fear of change and solutions to address it. All but apparently very Obie and proves, people need to be told, and after missing the conduct ...
As the author states that have multiple readings, instead of taking the business or self-help (the two proposed, arising from the individual) I'd rather take the social and communal.
In theory, the history of mankind shows our adaptive capacity, top, looking as we think ourselves the bar in any other species. Why tremble before any possible change gifts? You do not want to evolve? So we are perfect?


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