Dignity and Development
With the presence of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Salvador-Chio-Jimenez started Agricultural and Livestock Fair 2011, dedicated to Mr. Don Tulio Mancebo and Don Felix Acosta (Cat) and childhood Dominican
and chosen every year as queen, Kristle De Lamadrid, whose title was awarded at a party held in the Pavilion of the City Livestock Auction. More than 300 agribusiness firms are present in different exhibitions to be held from 12 to 20 ... So in times of crisis we have to go to pictures for the show ...
Tick, tick, tick ... the public is looking forward to the speech of President Leonel Fernandez, where he will announce the plan for fuel efficiency and other measures to tackle the rise in prices that has so preoccupied us all ... The Dominicans are paying 200 dollars for a gallon of gasoline is just that we are aware that they are a time of austerity, planning and not to walk in the streets as "cock crazy", but to coordinate the daily activities, routes and mingle with neighbors and friends of the mutual promises ...
Leonel So hopefully have a good suggestion, because in previous plans spoke of many measures that were not met and now that there's a cello in the street, with all this global crisis, high fuel prices and increased food basket, the situation is hard and you have to put the belt ... as the saying goes ... I do not want to mourn but guayyyyyyy!
And wait until June to know what the presidential candidate of the PLD, because that party is more serum slower than a honey bee and are still working on regulations that will regulate the primary process and that will be in April. Then formalize the pre-candidacies and June 26 will be choosing between candidates, according to a survey that radio is the most accepted and Danilo José Tomás ... According to statements by the President today was that he learned he was being promoted as a possible candidate and he will reflect on the subject ... who has more saliva eat more pastry ...
And if you look calmly taking a situation to be funny, in the sense that groups are pushing the candidacy of President and others First Lady ... and now they want to paste the slogan of "hit Mom, "a phrase that, according to Hipolito Mejia is a copy of his, what he considers as" ... a copy irresponsible and a lack of creativity and logic of someone "...
Hato Mayor - Sabana de la Mar is to laugh ... for repairing the road between these two peoples, as the Ministry of Public Works began to fix the most critical sections and continue with the same pace that way to honor the word Díaz De la Rua gave the commission met with after a press conference and subsequent protest, which had the support of authorities and population of these villages, so that should be given a vote of confidence to the Minister and also those who are fajaron and were the impetus behind the request ...
The best available technology
Dominicans are "hitting" ... the writer Rafael Anez Fair is the first Dominican resident in this country, whom the editor Windmills California Edition of USA published a book in Castilian, in this case the novel of her own "Resurrection of Poirot and Ice Divas," whose pages
the author "gives life" to the famous character of Agatha Christy , a story full of suspense and originality to the great Agatha if alive congratulate him, as we must all ... Those interested in purchasing the book can access this link and receive a discount of introduction or go directly to Amazon
http://www.lulu.com/browse/libros/ misterio_e_intriga/7/LULU00198/top_100
The Peruvian-Dominican-American is Karen Rodriguez, managed to sneak in the top 10 finalists of the popular program American Idol when she sang in "Spanglish" and got a great support telephone voters, the first Latina to achieve to reach that place of honor ... His father is Dominican and according to a telephone interview has relatives in Sabana de la Mar and capital .... Karen was born in Miami, but grew up in Upper Manhattan neighborhood that probably will give its support to the singer, famous for winning the competition
This Saturday and Sunday, held the traditional " Walk for Life "as always record-breaking assistance and support group for people with cancer, especially children. Walkers for Life presented an artistic and testimony that drew applause and tears of those present, who after covering the 5 kilometers of the trip enjoyed the show. How nice! Down
family Montero Liriano, Francisco, Ana Paula, Sheila, Bebeto, Tato and Grandma Sandra Messina - Johnny Ventura Charityn Goico and in full action
always by your side
Las InterNACIONales
El mundo está triste por los japoneses. La madre naturaleza golpeó con furia ese lejano país oriental, que a pesar de estar preparado para los temblores de tierra, la magnitud de 9.o en la escala de Richter -el cuarto más poderoso registrado desde el año 1900, detrás del terremoto de 2004 en Sumatra, de magnitud 9.1 - the tsunami and a nuclear crisis remains in suspense, has ripped the geography of the country and the heart of every person on the planet. Within this great misfortune Japanese people has demonstrated a total calm and order, worthy of admiration.
In a surprise television appearance Emperor Akihito expressed concern about the disaster and called on citizens not to give up. The uniqueness of the message of the Emperor of the Heisei era (Peace) demonstrates the extreme situation that Japan lives since Akihito, 77 years and health delicate, - head of the Chrysanthemum Throne, the oldest ruling dynasty in the world, read a paper without a teleprompter and has been the first time a Japanese emperor has a message for TV since the address in which Hirohito surrendered 1945, the first time that the Nipponese heard the voice of his tenno (heavenly prince), was broadcast on radio.
solidarity Outages
Akihito and Michiko sent donations to the provinces most affected and the residence of the Imperial Palace has joined a voluntary blackouts for two hours a day.
At 20:30 on Saturday, March 26, 2011, individuals, communities, businesses and governments around the world turn off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour - transcending all religious barriers, culture, society, generation and geographical location in a global celebration for the Planet. This year, WWF launches a new website Earth Hour invite you to demonstrate your commitment to environmental stewardship in an original way.
www.horadelplaneta.es Log in and find out.
By next March 19 is expected the biggest full moon since 1992, as it will be only 221,567 miles away from the earth.
The name of "super moon" was given to the astrologer Richard Noelle and this name was later adopted by astronomers as "super extreme moon."
have recorded data is super moons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2oo5, although the latter was not a new moon and full moon, and in all these years there were natural disasters and extreme weather conditions.
"Notes from the Heart" Concert for Piano and Orchestra, with the exquisite artist GERSHWIN with the National Symphony, to benefit the Heart Dominican Care - Director José Antonio Rodríguez - Wednesday, April 6, 2011, National Theatre
of friends ...
The Cumplesss ...
MAJORI DE ROJAS RAMOS , daughter of Tabaré and Nuris
Asdrubal Padron, who was happy with the presence of her daughter and husband SORAYA who reside in the United States. And of course there were his wife LOURDES FERNANDEZ, siblings, cousins, nephews, who were happy to sing the "celebrate your birthday" and share with the family.
I also learned that PADRON DOMINGO, was promoted to Major of the National Police, so that the family is very happy.
Lourdes Fernandez and Asdrubal Padron
Asdrúbal with his brothers - Soraya, his brother Dominic and his husband
We send our congratulations to new parents IRMA CONCEPCION JEANNET LEO REYES RODRIGUEZ MORA and to whom a baby born will be called ISABEL LIA and of course, we also rejoice in the new JESUS \u200b\u200bGILBERTO AND ANGELITA grandparents, great grandparents and other relatives who walk with the baby cunt.
Here we make a presentation at the "society" of the LIA Buquicito of ISABEL ... Blessings
Bachelor Party
MARIA ELINA SILF VERAS, one of the twin daughter of dear friends going to the wrong country Lourdes and Edward Veras Silfa, marriage contract soon with the gentleman DILECCIO GUZMAN and for that reason, his mother-and sister Lourdes and Maria Laura Patricia held a bridal shower in her honor and there shared jokes and laughter, the advice of friends a family a good fun time. The issue of the dismissal was based on the famous Playboy bunnies, here's the sample ...
Mary Right Elina dressed as "Bunny"
Maria Laura, Maria and Lourdes Patricia Silfa Elina - Lourdes Patricia
Sandra Messina Aidyn Cruz, Caridad Silva and Virginia Roca - On the right part of the group posing for souvenir
last Saturday married in the Church of Mercedes, young CAROLINA RAFAEL MATOS VANESSA FERNANDEZ and MARCANO ALFREDO GUZMAN. The bride's parents are Juan Francisco Matos Brown - who was the godfather - and Candida Fernandez de los Angeles and boyfriend Gregorio and Julia Marcano Guzman Jimenez Orchid, the godmother. The ceremony was officiated by Bishop Benito Angeles Fernández and a guard of honor was in care in the aisle of the church, crossing their swords to the passage of the couple.
After the religious ceremony, guests went to the Hotel Ambassador, where the celebration was great. The hall was decorated with ornaments of base glass, candles and white flowers and the stage with multicolored lights. The vegan comparsa "Los Magoye" offered a spectacle of carnival and the "crazy hour" was dancers presented a style show the 20 '. The party was enlivened by the Hermanos Rosario and a DJ who danced all present.
Girls of Master Ma Amelia Sánchez, Noelia Martinez, Marlene Doris Soto and Miranda with Marcano - The groom dancing with his mom
The buffet was open all time and dessert served two types of delicious cake. For the ladies "come down" from high heels, flattered "calypso" and am served a soup to recharge. The happy couple released the field, league, danced on stage and enjoyed a paquetón with your guests.
Aybel Ogando, Marlene Soto, Doris Miranda, Noelia Sanchez Martinez and Amelia Ma, the girls from the master - Hector Eduardo Alles and Joanne Michel Mendez
The couple met in Madrid, Spain, where the two-lawyer-did a master's and last year pledged, notice was also published in THE BUQUICITO.
To Atlanta ... there is the "Man Quality" Jesus Gilberto Concepción, who as we all know is known worldwide and there is giving a major address by ... well ... while Mayra Duran, is here again, is that Mayrilla does not go down an airplane ... You all know that Vitic FELICIA GONZALEZ REYES and his wife moved to the United States, there are going a little more than cold caught in Jarabacoa ...
invite As the opening week past, the vegan ROSARIO RIVERA-BOND, presented a sample of his work at the Museum of Modern Art, where he met a group of personalities and friends of Rosario who admired his paintings and modern sculpture. The presentation of the exhibition was provided by the Museum Director, who praised the sample. Rosario thanked the audience and his family for the support they have always given. Reported that this year will also feature an exhibition in Paris, the city where the above statement.
Rosario when talking to these , Then his three sons and his son
Ada Rivera and Rodriguez and his son - Yuny Duran, Mariela Rivera and Juanita
SicardRivera's brothers, Tony, Rosario, Yanet, Ramon Mejia, a midwife, and Juanita Marie Sicard - right Leticia Torres Vda. Rivera
Two sculptures of Rosario - In the center and Letty Sanchez Ariadna Rivera
Silfa Pepe, Yuny Duran, Sang Rosario Santos, Mario Rivera and Ana Maria Hernandez - Orlando Sanchez Diaz, Rosario Rivera and Danny Mendez
Girlfriends LARA SORY MARBLE, was one of the finalist for the promotion of Free Journal Woman of the Year and awarded a recognition, as well as YANET FERREIRA, whom the First Lady honored the International Women's Day, as Woman of Merit in a ceremony held in La Vega. Congratulations to both!
Yanet Ferreira (last from right) together with the First Lady and other laureates - Soraya Lara Marble with her husband and children.
So ANNI Pezzotti is to laugh and we are proud of her, because her son Carlos Muniz was worthy of a place in U.S. to do the specialty of Neurology. Carlos lasted two years with 40,000 candidates competing to fill 550 vacancies, that is fajarse!
While AIDA ROSA Pezzotti, is installed and there REMAX offers its services to stakeholders in real estate, your phone is No. for those who want to contact her ... How nice!
Dr. Fausto Peguero who was a veterinarian and owner of one of the first veterinary clinics in the capital died this week. He was the brother of Mrs. Hernandez Peguero Tatica, Don Oscar's wife, to whom we send our condolences.
we also learn of the death, a few months ago, LORA ENRIQUILLO DON, his wife Rosa Marquez and Jenny Oliva daughters, grandchildren and other relatives are very saddened by his departure. Peace to his remains.
Gallery Figureo.
The Liriano-Montero-Messina - Rachel Alvarez Santiago Puig
Rafael Fair writer with General Antonio Imbert Barreras - Sandra Silfa, Scarlett Espino Silfa with Tony Rivera
Husbands and Danilo Martinez Margarita Sanz - Then Tito Garcia Alvarez and Mrs.
Paula Messina and Josè Rafael Espaillat - Soraya Fernandez
Del ALBUM Photo of remember
Alexander Ferwerda, Ada Rivera and Vanessa Rodriguez Messina, sitting Ariadna Sanchez, Yuny Duran, Ant and Adalyn Ronald Ferwerda, Ameria Mary Sanchez - Right Josè Alejandro Johnson, Claudia de Lillo, Eugene Rault, Sheila Montero, Ariana Sanchez, Alma Karina Sanchez, Laura Mariel de Lillo and Ceara
Momo Houellemont and Maritza Cordova - Teresa de Moya Gomez Vega
Marcia Duran, Solange Baco Ero, Anny Well, Alina Carmen Peralta, Tana Concepcion Grullon, Virginia Melendez, Fernandez Yenty Dignitas Berrido, Cristina Batista, Ingrid Marquez, Kris Cooke, Ivelisse Matos Mallen, Christy Rodríguez Cooke, Belkis Marquez - Right Christy Rodríguez Meléndez and Dignitas virginité Berrido Lulo
Fast from hurtful words, spread words of kindness;
Fast from discontent, fill yourself with gratitude.
Fast from anger, fill yourself with gentleness and patience.
Fast from pessimism, fill yourself with hope and optimism.
concerns Fast, fill yourself with confidence in God.
Fast from complaining, value what you have.
Fast pressure, fill yourself with prayer.
Fast from judging others, Jesus discovers that live in them.
Fast of sadness and bitterness, the heart filled with joy.
Fast from selfishness, fill yourself with compassion for others.
Fast lack of forgiveness, reconciliation llénate attitudes.
Fast from words, fill yourself with silence and listen to others.
If we all try this fast, everyday will be flooded with peace, love, trust ... The important thing is not to make mistakes, but learn to recognize the error and lots of love to start again. "Luke 11.42-46
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