Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Drivers For Pro Gate Magic

The Uncertainty Principle

Professor Werner Heisenberg (1921-1976) received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1932 for the development of his famous "Uncertainty Principle" presented in 1927 resulting in the foundation of modern quantum physics.

The most commonly accepted definition of this principle states that one can not know the exact position and velocity of a particle, and modified by studying one another. Consequently "What you study, you change" or what is the same: the action of the observer alters the observed system.

applied to quantum physics determined by measuring introduce a bias in measured, so we always have to make concessions to the accuracy, because the greater is the definition of a variable, the greater the uncertainty of the next.

In the field of personal knowledge and the environment suggests that to know everything about someone or something has to interact with them, but that this interaction will never give rise to absolute knowledge, and that in interpreting the observed changes in its behavior.

It is through these changes, albeit tiny, how we create our reality, yet never be reality.

Uncertainty about the future, has been and will be the engine that moves mankind forward.

uncertainty need to establish relationships, to increase our knowledge, to strengthen our awareness, and to develop self-esteem.

absolute security at all levels, there is a concept that leads to paralysis of knowledge. Text

Ferns in Costa Rica
... or not ...


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