Dignity and Development
I borrow the AM section of journalist Inés Aispun, because it reflects fully the sentiments of the Dominicans regarding the President's speech and also summarizes some of what transpired during this week in the land he loved so much ... Columbus
AM. - What a week!
Written by Agnes Aizpun to Diario Libre
The "discourse of austerity" have a root problem: no one believes them because list of previous failures is longer than that of new ideas. "Wind farms? President Fernandez took office in 2004 talking about them, and we are in 2011 are welcome . politicians plans with the drivers always end with a ripped off the taxpayer, a freeloader, the "union" and a pair of prison for corruption. Hopefully, with all natural gas is more pure. "saving in public buildings? Please! But a good idea to charge the public electricity bill in advance (and a sign that still did not pay.) agricultural fairs "? That's the issue: our problems are structural and the solutions proposed are always transitional guarantee that nothing will And how does the appointment of Luis Ynchausti in safe neighborhoods, just this week? Transport strike notice and designation "p'al neighborhood" of the man of FAME, the executor of the doctrine "is better pay than paste. It comes at the right time: angry civil society, entrepreneurs are very critical. Pre PLD candidate bored waiting for the decision and the opposition presidential candidate and campaigning. rising prices, interest as well. The barbarity of the National Judicial Council, with largely unknown. And the icing ... Aristide returned. (No wonder Leonel has dark circles). IAizpun@diariolibre.com
Council approval Judiciary Act are causing the public weal, so incredible the situation and already dozens of organizations are protesting and expressed intend to go to the Supreme Court to raise a constitutional challenge to the penalty. ...
In short, the president of the Chamber of Deputies approved amendments to the Act proposed by the executive, which would give the president total control of that body of justice, not counting the votes of two thirds of those present as required by the Constitution in Article 112. The National Business Council (Conep), describes the decision as very damaging to the country's institutions and a violation of the new Constitution, which calls into question the legal certainty and that means accepting as true that legislators can act outside the Constitution. Senate President and other administration officials defended the decision taken by Congress National attributed the opposition to a conflict of interests ... !!!!! You be the jury
De Sabana de la Mar on American Idol ... So gentlemen, as announced last week KAREN RODRIGUEZ, we are being performed on American Idol and must be given all the support that characterizes Dominican people. The girl was almost to be disqualified from this week and was saved, but remember that this program is important are phone calls, that's what counts and the colony in Upper Manhattan where Karen grew up is supporting it with all the "iron "...
can access the management screen www.americanidol.com The number of artist Karen is 5705. They could also call toll-free phone: 1-866/436-5705.
The best available technology
Banco Popular Dominicano has its educational program I recycle!
The second version of the paper recycling contest grows up to become a continuing education program
Banco Popular Dominicano presented, together with the Centre for the Development of Agriculture and Forestry (CEDAF) the educational program I recycle!, an initiative that integrates the work of recycling and promote culture 3R both entities, with the objective of promoting collective respect the environment and training in schools student body aware of its social duty and responsibility to the environment.
At the launch ceremony, the keynote address was a by Mr. Joseph Marble, Executive Vice President of Public Relations and Communications of the Banco Popular Dominicano, who explained the program as an important part of management corporate social responsibility of the bank, "which began last year is a competition for recycling paper, now becomes the education program I recycle!, in partnership with the Center for Agricultural and Forestry Development, Inc. , CEDAF. "
A row took the floor to Ms. Ginny Heinsen, CEDAF project coordinator, who presented the topic "The role of education in promoting a culture 3R", stressing the importance of environmental awareness from an early age to achieve this voluntary conscious of its duty to the environment.
For his part, Mr. Victor Hilario, manager of Corporate Social Responsibility Division of the People explained on the incorporation of recycling program in the school term for schools and their impact on the initiative seeks to foster a civic consciousness that began to bear fruit last year as a result of recycling contest to conduct the institution.
This initiative, aimed at creating awareness among the student population about the importance of protecting the environment and be conservative in the use of energy, water and natural resources together around 250 schools in the early and mid-level, Santo Domingo and Santiago, whose representatives attended the activity.
A way to end the event was shown to present a video that includes actions and testimony of employees on the work of People's Community.
Last year we had great cooperation from the schools and the amount of recycled paper exceeded expectations, reaching the figure of 89.582 kilos of paper into a month of collection, which means that saved about 2,000 trees and, more importantly, that the habit of recycling paper was developed by more than 50,000 students which struck through and related families, about 200,000 people.
This educational program has the support of the National District City Council, the Municipality of Santiago, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Molded Dominicanos, SA (MOLDOSA), and the newspaper Hoy.
By an act involving authorities and personalities in this province, the San Pedro de Macoris Foundation unveiled the "Plan Restoration Pilot Facades of Historic Buildings "of this city.
This plan is the restoration of all houses and ancient buildings of San Pedro de Macoris, which represent a historical and architectural value. The act was done outside the residence of the family Canto, located on Calle Mella # 20 to the center of the city, which will start work on housing rehabilitation, since it has more than one hundred years of built .
The initiative was designed by architect Jesus Musa, a member Foundation Inc. San Pedro de Macoris, and coordinating the work, which will begin in the coming days, restoration of the residence of the family singing at a cost of 200 thousand pesos.
Dear Family and Friends
This page is dedicated to our mother, Violet. Violet was diagnosed c on colon cancer in May 2001. After surgery he the tumor in the colon, underwent six months of intense chemotherapy. After only 6 months of chemotherapy, the cancer was gone and was in remission. She has had a clean bill of health for almost 10 years!
We are walking in this event in his honor and admire for their courage and struggle. She is our hero. We will also have in mind and in our hearts that were not so lucky.
Please help us raise our goal of $ 500 or join us as part of Team Purple (Purple Team) the March 27 in Central Park. To register or donate, please visit http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michellecollazo/2011-colon-cancer-challenge
always by your side
The International
Finalize Haiti elections, preliminary results will be March 31
Puerto Príncipe , March 20 (EFE) .- The elections in Haiti ended with the closing of polling stations in the capital, an hour after they did the rest of the country.
exceptionally Election officials authorized the extension hours of voting in the Haitian capital to the delays were caused by problems in the delivery of material in many polling stations.
Haiti held today in a general atmosphere of relative calm, although there were isolated incidents that left two dead, the second round of elections with which seeks to initiate a new stage to overcome the deep economic crisis, health and humanitarian suffering.
Four million Haitians were called to the polls to choose in a runoff to replace President Rene Preval, who leaves office in May, and seven of his thirty senators and 79 of the 99 deputies. The Provisional Electoral Council will announce the preliminary results on 31 March and the final on 16 April. Until then we will not know which of the two successful candidates in late November the first round, which are the former first lady Mirlande Manigat and singer Michel Martelly, will be the next president of Haiti.
new attack allied forces to Libya after
Algiers, (EFE) .- The allied forces have resumed their attacks on Tripoli and air defense troops Gaddafi have responded with gunfire, the chain reported Al Jazeera television.
television channel has broadcast live images of the attacks in which they could see tracer shells in the sky of Tripoli, but without specifying which were the targets of attacks.
Al Jazeera said the anti-aircraft artillery fire came from the palace Bab El Aziziya, Gadhafi's residence that sits on an area of \u200b\u200b30,000 square meters.
At the same time, the official television Libya TV broadcast images allegedly live, showing hundreds of people Gaddafi in front of the palace shouting slogans of support.
This action gadafistas air defenses is the thirtieth of its kind in a few hours.
television channel Al Arabiya was announced this afternoon violent explosions in Tripoli where a column of smoke rose from Gaddafi's palace, while anti-aircraft artillery fired on allied aircraft.
All these events occur after the cease-fire announced late in the afternoon by the Libyan government forces.
Ceramics - Bathrooms - Taps,
Super Moon seen by the World
Centauri in the last issue on the perigee would have the Moon is March 19, 2011, something not seen for 20 years and see again up in other decades.
The Full Moon vary in size due to the oval shape of the orbit of the moon. Is an ellipse with one side (perigee) about 50,000 miles closer to Earth than the other (peak).
Moons near the perigee are 14% larger and 30% brighter than the Moon that occur under side of apogee of the orbit of the moon.
The phenomenon was followed by astronomers around the world and journalists who caught the lunar image from different angles. In the Dominican Republic, many noted the phenomenon and to orders made on the moon.
"Notes from the Heart" Concert for Piano and Orchestra, with exquisite music artist and composer JACOB GERSHWIN, played by the National Symphony, to benefit the Heart Care Dominicana, Director José Antonio Molina, the piano Simon Mulligan - Wednesday, April 6, 2011, National Theatre
One of the violinists to play that night is Luis Augusto Martinez Guzman.
not miss!
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MAJORI RAMOS DE ROJAS, daughter and Nuris Tabaré
happiness of the family to sing, was born in New York LUNA VICTORIA, MARIA EUGENIA HERNANDEZ eldest of CANTO. The beautiful baby name because his birth coincided with the emergence of "Super Moon" and also in honor of her aunt and cousin Victoria calls .... Not to mention the happy grandmother, Olga Maria, who appears in the photo with the baby in her arms enjoying a tremendous yawn ... Welcome Moon and God bless you ...
And continuing with the Canto, Victor and his wife, ANA ROSA, are visiting in the country ... and uploaded them live in I lost a plane and the route of his travels, because I came from New York and Mexico, live in San Diego, are now planning to go to Portugal and at each "hop" go through SD to take the pulse of the family. VICTOR is king, and all around are women: sisters, daughters, niece ... that good!
Supporting Sabanalamarinos KAREN RODRIGUEZ
Email received in support of Karen: are advised to sabanalamarinos seeking solidarity in American Idol with Karen Rodriguez, daughter of William Rodriguez, better known as Machito, Tallit and Clavel granddaughter Rodríguez Pimentel, members of a long and well known family of Sabana de la Mar that can access the management screen http://www.americanidol.com/
The number of Karen is an artist of 5705. They could also call toll-free phone: 1-866/436-5705.
A plant coconut weighs as much as a drop of blood! Just tie and commits the birthplace. An instant cyber or phone for Karen! Thanks, Sabana de la Mar
(Please forward the message to other sabanalamarinos.)
Copy Relly out as a favorite among individuals who compete in the 2011 National Agricultural Fair held in the City Livestock.
Relly, race Holtein dairy is owned by Fernandito Nunez, who said his favorite piece is 65 to 35 over other competing at the event.
The specimen obtained at the Agricultural Fair 2009 Award Junior Champion and reserve grand champion, while in 2010 she won the Amateur Champion and Grand Champion Holtein. Pictured with Relly Fernandito
was again held in Punta Cana and this year's Carnival King Momo was chosen TONY RIVERA who as we all know is a "fiebrú" Carnival, as it was one of the first hosted in his hometown of La Vega, the installation of platforms and support to the groups. Tony paraded in a car Mustang - older model, driven by Frank Ranieri. Here are some pictures of the activity.
Tonynext Oscar de la Renta - Frank Rainieri greeting viewers
Some of the groups that paraded
Letty's costume that he used Rivera in La Vega, here it looks like another person. Fernando Ranieri Dress Arab Sheikh.
Leading Venezuelan lawyer Alejandro Rebolledo delivered at the Universidad Central del Este conference's keynote Prevention and Control of Money Laundering in which explained the various forms that are used to invest financial resources derived from illegal activities. The activity was held in the Auditorium of the UCE
Among those present Dr. Jose Hazim Frappier, Hazim Vilma Torres, Michael Phipps, Jesus Sterling , Juana Ozuna, teachers, students , civil and military authorities of the province of San Pedro de Macoris.
Dominican Republic Project (PRD), which sponsored the candidacy of Hipolito Mejia, Radhames reported the death of Valerio Rodriguez, former Coordinator of the Agricultural Sector. His remains were buried on Monday at 4:00 pm. Valerio Rodriguez served as deputy twice, was undersecretary of agriculture and director of the Agricultural Bank. He was a member of the Political Committee and Executive Committee of the PRD for more than fifteen years. Just a year ago, had died his wife Dulce Torres, with whom he had four children. Peace to his remains.
The photo on 4 June in Santiago, next to Mrs. Renée Radhames Klang Vda. Guzmán-
also send our heartfelt condolences to the family of lawyer Julio Ibarra Rios, who died of a heart attack last week. May he rest in peace.
Gallery Figureo
Reuben and Mary Hernandez - Ricardo de Moya
CocóVeras Demorizi Christy and her daughter - Carlos White
Ingrid and Quique Gómez - Doña Petra Cruz and his daughter Josefina Matos
Zaidita Rodriguez Alvarez - Ananda Pou, and Raisa Sandra Messina
Album of Photos remember
Guibiabeach - Train Station Sánchez
Demorizi Yovanna Yeyi and Mimi Quezada with Onelva Calcaño - The pilot who flies Dominican airline in Singapore, Gabriel Medina-
BililaGold Wedding husbands and Lourdes Fernandez Adrúbal Register - Fiocita Sanabia and Vanessa Rodriguez Messina
Article submitted by Giordano Peña
For Cataldi, wine is an "intellectual nurturing" .- IB
"Wine is a living thing to whom death comes "
daughter of a Chilean mother and Italian father could only have been born in a small coastal city of a country of snuff and rum. In the house of Carmen Cataldi, San Pedro de Macoris, east of Santo Domingo, he drank wine. "Sometimes even discussed it." After studying Food Science, wine became a source of life in the Dominican Republic to become the professional reference in the country. So they called it, in January, for pairing dinner in the submission of the Nire, the wines of the Basque chef Martin Berasategui, at the Paradisus Punta Cana
Sitting in the restaurant, a place with a certain vintage that has come with his iPhone and his Mac fine - "Smite based 'm learning to use them" - he recalls his beginnings as a teacher nutrition and dietetics in the late seventies. Outside the program gave lessons on his passion: "I had to tell the students until the wine is poured no ice." In 2007 he enrolled in a program to train sommeliers, who brought Italian teachers. "It was intense nine months." In his business card that has been certified by the Italian Association.
Lunch starts cream cheese with tomato jam to spread on biscuits - "Bread is something I can not resist" - courtesy of the house. For the main course, Dona Carmen, as it is known, decided that the gold can be more than the cod. And to drink, white wine.
According to a June 2010 study, between 2007 and 2010, wine imports Dominican Republic increased by about seven million liters. According to the same report, "The Dominican Republic is a market with great potential and one of the largest, while younger, Central America and the Antilles." What a few years ago was seen as a privilege and a drink class, Cataldi acknowledged, has grown into a habit: "Wine is a nutrient intellectual and sensory. With him we learn geography, chemistry, meteorology ...".
Advisory construction and maintenance of wells, among its functions is to eliminate dead wines. "It's a living thing that also comes death." Cataldi laughs as he recalls how he had to tell some customers in the cellar can not keep cigars, ham or sausage.
With the second glass of wine, Cataldi questioned who buy wines just for prestige. "Sometimes we do not like." Remember that one day the owner of a house that was preparing polenta gave a wine valued at $ 2,000 to give a flavor to the mix. "I said it was very expensive, but she insisted. When her husband arrived, a tremendous thrill. And more disgust.
Doña Carmen says that while there are mental health needs further exploration. "Otherwise, better to leave." Believes that "alcohol-free wine is not wine" and evades opt for an appellation of origin. In the end, while sipping your chocolate mousse, reveals a secret: "To me what I like to write, and if I had room, I would go to a field to do it." Meanwhile, Mea Culpa, your magazine specializing in wines, appeases its literary impulse.
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