Author: Maria Cristina Chaler.
knowledge re-released
States and electricity.
Atoms join together with the amount of electricity that own and form molecules with various properties, which in turn will show up as very different from each other substances and in different states can be:
- solid
- liquid
- gas.
The link between molecules creates the different states and this is also dependent on electricity. In the molecules as a whole could see positive nuclei surrounded by electrons. The greater or less attraction between them will depend on how the tag holding negative
The electrons do not attract each other, on the contrary tend to position themselves in space in areas where the repulsion is minimal but as they are moving electrical charge generated magnetic fields that favor the approach of some and the removal of others, so they are placed forming a property tag for each substance, which can be symmetrical or not, depending on the molecular geometry.
When the molecule has a ASYMMETRIC CLOUD will form the so-called permanent dipoles, ie areas with a small number of electrons and positive and other high density of electrons or negative.
As a substance is made up of millions and millions of molecules, they will attract each other through their dipoles, the more attraction there is, the joints are in space so that will be favored liquid states or solid.
What makes it one or the other?
If, despite the attraction, the molecules can move with relative ease, the substance will be liquid, if the molecules occupy fixed locations in space, determined by a certain geometry, with poor mobility and strength intense attraction will settle the solid state.
molecules that have an electron cloud SYMMETRIC be non-polar and does not attract, they will move freely and the substance is present as a gas.
We extend
The state of a substance depends not only on molecular polarity but also the influence of atmospheric pressure and temperature.
rising pressure favors the molecular attraction and this trend generates liquid and solid, the predominate gas at low pressure.
When the temperature drops, the molecules have less energy and thus less motion and this trend will also support solid or liquid.
water at room temperature is presented as líquido, pero una vez colocada en el refrigerador, cuando alcanza temperaturas por debajo de cero grado (punto de fusión) se solidifica; al calentarla, llegando a los 100 grados (punto de ebullición) comenzará a “hervir” y sus moléculas serán capaces de vencer la presión que ejerce la atmósfera, se desprenderán de la masa líquida y pasarán al estado gaseoso.
Conocer los fenómenos de la naturaleza, amplia nuestra mirada y nos hace un poquito más sabios.
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