Dignity and Development
Well ... after a long wait, the changes begin cabinet, because after 27 speech President Leonel Fernandez did not move a leaf ... but Tuesday has already begun to "Remen kills "and the first to fall was Melanio Paredes, the minister who the people were" above the bun "and instead put Josefina Pimentel (who was in INFOTEP) the public expects that Ms. Pimentel does a good job, because this Ministry is a hot potato ...
siquitrillaron also Jose Tomas Perez and Franklin Almeyda Rancier-LDP candidates both pre-and Interior and Police put José Ramón Fadul, that of Banreservas was to finance and vice-versa, and other minor appointments. The president also made changes in the military, but what is striking is that really what the executive has done is move the tiles from the board and the same people in another place and people want more ...
Melanio's dismissal was the most anticipated and joke of the moment is that the former minister attempted suicide ... taking two liters of milk in the school breakfast! hahaha ... others say he wept when he heard the news ... tears of milk ... People who invent ahh!
As for the speech most politicians, civil society and people generally consider that grounds for LF does not correspond to reality we are living in the Dominican and if we enter the social networks 27 had a "plug" of opinions about the President's words ... and 4% for education?? well thanks!
Well ... the installation of 400 cameras in different streets of the capital city, which will monitor what happens in different areas and neighborhoods and thus locate crime in the modern Command Control Center of the PN, has fallen well. In the U.S. use this method for years, to detect traffic offenders. If someone is "eat" the red traffic lights, the camera is detected, it takes a photo and then the person receives at home the fine ... we hope that here, although they do not fine, at least catch the offenders.
And in Sabana de la Mar are keeping our fingers crossed hoping that the new promise of the Minister of Public Works to repair the stretch of road from Hato Mayor. As everyone remembers the Tuesday and Last Thursday, a citizens' movement of the people held a press conference and subsequent protest outside the ministry, where after waiting a while, they were greeted by Diaz de la Rua, who promised to rehabilitate the roads, because right now no no budget for a new one.
were at the meeting Rosanna Leon Selman, Hanny Matthew Goicoechea, Reinaldo de Leon, Flor Alba Nolasco, Immaculate Mercedes Calcaño Trinidad.
The final reconstruction work will start when they get international funding because Ministry of Public Works does not have the resources to do it with technology to ensure its permanence in time.
The best available technology
Jonathan David Mendez Perez Dominican boy considered the world's youngest artist
Jonathan David Mendez, son the painter and professor Pedro Pablo Mendez and Mrs Yanet Perez, considered the world's youngest artist, a gifted child who has surprised everyone who has seen his work. Since very little surprise their creativity in painting and his prodigious intelligence
store the whole alphabet before you speak, in addition to and recognize the full range of colors.
Store names, look and learn painters, lovers of good music his favorite part are all classics. Jonathan comes from a family of six brothers are painters (uncles) and currently has an exhibition of his works in the Museum Trampoline and his works are already trading in euros ...
repairs and extends Banco Popular school facilities in San José de Ocoa
Banco Popular Dominicano employees staged a day of repair, expansion and painting at the primary school the last, in the community of the last of the municipality of San José de Ocoa, Peravia province, with the collaboration of teachers, students, parents of students on campus and community representatives.
The Executive Vice President of Public Relations and Communications of the People explained the importance for beneficiary communities This initiative is of corporate social responsibility, where in addition to restoring and expanding the school's physical plant, as part of the set of values \u200b\u200bthat characterize pillars organizational culture of the company, promoted teamwork, integrity, respect and innovation, among other ethical principles and standards of living in community oriented social progress.
Basic School hosts the mold to 126 students in 6 classrooms where he teaches from beginners to the 4th grade of high school, running both sessions, morning and evening. With This contribution will benefit more than 80 families in the communities of Ojo de Agua (20%), La Ibarra (75%), El Naranjal (5%), belonging to the municipality of San José de Ocoa.
Just 2 new classrooms were equipped for TV Training Centre, the name given to training sessions with the help of various pieces of technology. Also performed to repair the perimeter fence, conditioning the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden and donated 4 computers.
Next to the day of repair and expansion of the school also carried out various activities which included children from the school community, who led by bank staff recreated in drawings and crafts the values \u200b\u200bthat stand out in their school and their families.
Traditionally, the Popular has developed a series of initiatives to support the community by supporting educational and cultural projects, as well as health, environment and community development, reinforcing the commitment to actively contribute to improving quality of life of present and future communities.
always by your side
The International
resignation boricua Representative after testing positive for cocaine
SAN JUAN - The former spokesman of the majority in the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico, Rolando Crespo, presented on Sunday, giving up his seat after testing positive for cocaine in a drug test.
In a press conference where no questions answered, Crespo apologized and expressed his hope that "my experience helps to make people see that nothing should be sacrificed for a misstep, not experience."
Crespo, 35, originally from Aguadilla, tested positive for cocaine in a hair drug test which were submitted to legislators. In a previous urine sample had tested negative Crespo. Graduates with criminal justice and master's degree in school psychology, was first elected in 2004 as Representative at Large and was reelected in 2008. Chairing the committee on Rules and Calendar.
"The tests were done for the people of Puerto Rico known to their legislators," ... what a great example!
The sixtillizos that move the world
This photo is causing a stir on facebook. This is a Chicago family with limited economic resources. After following fertility treatment, have had no less than sextuplets. It made the picture, and hung on your wall. Soon they were already famous.
were called to the Opra Winfrey's television show, where he won $ 250,000 and a honeymoon in Las Vegas. Celine Dion was in the program gave the McGhee family front row tickets to his upcoming concert.
In FinanceNews source of news, talk of a spending of 50 diapers and 30 bottles of milk a day. The news has come out a little exaggerated to 8 diapers and 5 bottles daily consumption of milk per child ...
And the Dominicans sixtillizos ... let them also on Facebook!
Ceramics - Bathrooms - Taps,
The Baralt, family Sabana de la Mar, whose great-uncle was the
first Latin American accepted in the English Royal Academy
Venezuelan and Dominican birth or adoption because his mother was Dominican and adopted the nationality, Rafael María Baralt, was a prominent writer and poet universal, unknown Brazil, although a square bearing his name in the corner of Cesar Nicolas Penson Pedro Henríquez Ureña, where a statue donated by the Embassy of Venezuela.
Venezuela Recognized as one of its most beloved sons, the Dominican Republic won their books, which installed the first public library. Is privileged be the first Latin American accepted at the Royal Academy of English Language.
His direct descendants in the country reside in Sabana de la Mar and last year the bicentenary of the birth of Rafael María Baralt, received several honors in Venezuela, Colombia and in our country, attended proudly Rosa Altagracia, Judith, Zeeland, Teresa, Carmen, Mary, Igor and Ivan, sons of Don Celio, who was the grandson of the renowned writer. They say they are proud of their roots and honor to speak with his relative, who died in Madrid on January 4, 1860.
Baralt Sisters in front of the statue of his relative.
With the Secretary of Culture and the Director of the National Library of hermans Baralt, stands Rosa Altagracia, Judith and Teresa
TODOs Invitation for Chinatown
Dear family and descendants of Chinese La Vega
On behalf of the family and Fung Sang Flower for All Foundation will deliver a scroll of recognition Don Giovanni Portillo posthumous Holguin who was President of the Vegan Carnival 2010 and dedicated to the memory of John Sang and his son Shrine and other Chinese who settled in La Vega in the last century, who made valuable contributions and shared love the Vegan Society.
Don Giovanni, man of great value, has been at the wrong time, but his memory will always remain in all of Chinese descent in La Vega, in the heart of the Flower Foundation for All Foundation, an institution that has given everything in their power to the Chinatown elected the 8th. Dominican Rep. Treasure although so recent.
We are inviting all the Chinese and their descendants to attend with their children and grandchildren dressed in this recognition (Store Double R, former House London, on Duarte Avenue between Mexico Benito and give a 10% discount for this event)
The comparsa Los Magoye be present
Day 3 - ANA JOSEFINA MARCELINO and the Dominican Consul in Hamburg CESAR JIMENEZ
ALEX birthday on 27 February this year on Saturday 26, her friends surprised her with a fancy dress party at home, where he appeared with a big mess and noise.
Alexandra excited when he sang "Happy Birthday" to the right with Igor and his children and granddaughter Andrea Saskia
African Sandra Patricia Messina Bordas - Gitana Meyreles Rafaelina
Of course it was an afternoon of joy, especially for the birthday girl, do not expect anything like that and felt very happy for the initiative. The friends took the opportunity to sing original costumes, dancing and especially the birthday wish you a happy birthday and good health. Congratulations!
809-472 - 5105
Messina and Vanessa Rodriguez - Rachel Alvarez and April - A
guloyaNancy Rodriguez of rockers - Ananda and Nancy - Rafaelina
In Los Angeles, Califonia, born MAX, son of MARTIN JENNIFER Messina and her husband Raphael Laski. Jennifer is the youngest daughter Emely Messina and Mike Martin, who live in Atlanta and are now visiting the new family member and of course they are happy with Max. Blessings for the newborn.
seems like yesterday when my niece and goddaughter Mariel de Lillo, she married the young José García Ant.
Claudia de Lillo, boyfriends and Manuel Henriquez - with her cousins Amelia Sánchez Ariadna and
It's been 8 years and the union were born two muñecotes that are named José Emilio and Diego Joseph some beautiful children, very funny as are the joy of his parents and family.
The Sunday March 6, at 4 PM, in Chinatown.
Fung Sang Family posthumous recognition will Holguín Giovanni Portillo who was President of the Vegan Carnival 2010 and dedicated to the memory of John Sang and his son Shrine (grandfather and father of Rosario) and the other Chinese who settled in La Vega in the last century, who made valuable contributions to society.
John and sanctuaries Sang
By affection of Don Giovanni and his family to the Chinese, especially those in La Vega, is the recognition given to their families
ROSARIO As everyone knows he has lived for many years in Miami, where he is recognized as an artist who has exhibited in prestigious art galleries the U.S., and has made presentations at the Casa de Campo Marina and now present a sample of listed works.
The exhibition "JUST AN ILLUSION" will be on Wednesday March 9 at the Museum of Modern Art, 7:00 PM.
A INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE and you have to wear a feminine object to create an installation at the Museum. Something different must-see!
Brothers VICTOR MANUEL KEYLA and Decamps, had a great meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida, where he enjoyed a full family weekend and sent us these photos to see how well it went.
Ameriquín Perdomo - Keyla and Victor Manuel De Camps
Victor Manuel, his sons and Keyla - Ameriquín
The brothers with their children
Martin DUQUELA and BRONCOS ...
Duquela Martin is a "fiebrú" Carnival vegan and it has shown during these 30 years has belonged to the group The Broncos, which he founded in 1981, with José Miguel Fana Candido Gonzalez, Victor Fernandez, Richard Fernandez, Cristian Morel and Edwin Canaan. At that time took to the streets with a white costume with black masks, modernizing and changing the costume and injecting new and innovative ideas to the carnival.
Cirilo Guzman - Duquela and Rafaelito Martín Fernández - José Ramírez Garrido
And that is when someone dresses up and you take the "gustito" the carnival is a vice that lasts a lifetime and is passed on for generations.
son César Jiménez Martín Duquela - Vanessa Rodriguez with Gil and his son Frank
This year the Broncos were dressed in "cowboy" and are among the groups that are present in more activities and exhibitions in the capital or the inside, showing what the carnival is vegan.
Doña Ismenia Hernando with one of the Broncos - Nelson Tabar and Manel Despradel
A little History
The Broncos and Beasts have been the most popular and "rival" in sympathy and innovation and those who have remained longer together. Other groups are also very popular cave, the cloths, Ant. Banco Popular Dominicano and Induveca were among the first companies that sponsored groups and installed benches, bus shelters and street gardens Father Adolfo. (The People's Bank had her in the house of Don Antonio Canaan).
In February 1986, elected the first King of Carnival vegan Mr. José Peralta Michel
artisans Mars masks Carlos Garcia, is present in an permanent exhibit at the Museum of Arts of the Americas in Puerto Rico and the teacher José Lantigua Cruz (Bule) exhibited their masks in France.
Doña Zayd Grullon, SCANLON Giselle's mother, to whom we send our deepest condolences, along with her husband, sons, cousins \u200b\u200band other relatives
Figureo Gallery. ...
Elizabeth George - Maureen and Candido Gonzalez
During Carnival
Stage Brugal, very beautiful and original - Letty Rivera, with its magnificent costume that was the feeling of the parade
Sonia Rodriguez with his son Machi Cáceres - Vitico de la Mota and her daughters Geraldine, Nicole Jenny
CanaanMichelle Miguel Fernandez - Victor de la Mota and Joanna
and Imilce Tania Peña, Magaly Rodriguez, Josefina Cosme, daughter and Ninoska of Peña - Frank Gil and Avilés Blessed
Ervin McKenzie - Livino Viñas
VIDEO remember in BuquiTube
Innovating THE BUQUICTO, I present another video of Rodriguez Taveras in Miami .... simply a stud!
This was at a family tea party Delgado Eliitas house in Kissimmee, Fla., during a visit he made Magaly our sister in 1997. At that time the glasses were used bigs, and now are returning to fashion. Click on the link to share with us this nice moment from yesterday.
! Family that sings together stays together!
Privatization Frontier
By Oscar William Ligthow The faults on which we ride, not only produce shocks like the earthquake in January but a vast mineral wealth. From copper to uranium, to crude oil. But strange design, earthquakes are to us and minerals for three empires U.S., Canada and France.
Who comes to mind altering this "divine order" will happen as President Aristides, who one day in a fit of patriotism offered exploit for the benefit of its people. In a flash, a command of the Marines Seal it back to Africa. By mouth slack. In fact, the only interest in this island of our three partner is the underground and labor necessary for its operation. Given that clear and that a good part of the most valuable sites are in the border area, we must focus our attention on the preparations for privatization.
The alleged border development through foreign investment, is part of the purpose of establishing a free transit zone called "buffer zone" or buffer all along the border and five miles wide. In this particular area every mining lease, industrial and agribusiness is an autonomous region endowed with its own health services, education and security forces, led by civil authorities binational appointed by their respective companies. In short, a vast zone subject only to international laws of the market.
Dominicans To make emerge from that piece of land without making a fuss, in addition to our already legendary bet docility, have assembled an entire media campaign in which we find outrageous statements Marthely candidate and several of his collaborators. With them appeal to our common sense, dusting the Cuckoo invasion or melting of the two republics, which gave them so well with Baez and Santana. You know, happy that we will opt for the "lesser evil."
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